Naturally Thin

- POSTED ON: May 09, 2011




Many people believe that all the obese have to do
is go through bariatric surgery
and they will magically became "Naturally Thin".

No calorie counting.
No food monitoring at all.
Just eat what they want
because their body can only tolerate a limited amount of food.

More than 18 years ago, BEFORE my weight-loss surgery,
I knew that I could NEVER become "naturally thin".

Even then, I knew that such a wish was merely a "pipe dream",
a totally unrealistic fantasy...
on a level with a wish for the ability to sprout wings and fly;

I was aware I would still WANT
to eat far more food than my body could tolerate.
However, the reason I went through what was, at the time,
a very serious Experimental open surgery, 

which was quite a costly procedure;
which caused Immense pain for several months and long-term discomfort;
which required a 2 week stay in a distant city, for both myself and my husband,
........since we were aware of only one surgeon in California performing them at the time;
which required 6 weeks off work without pay,....and during that time
........I still had to pay my office overhead expenses including my staff's salaries;

....was due to the belief
that I would never again need to closely monitor my food intake,

and I would always be able to eat only small amounts of what I wanted
because my body could only tolerate amounts that made and kept me slender.

I believed that this One Choice
would make all my future eating choices easier,
and that it would become a form of automatic,
involuntary portion control,
requiring little effort or thought from me.

Time proved this to be UNTRUE,

It is amazing how frequently and consistently
one can inadvertently make oneself sick, via one's eating choices,
and no matter how painful the experience, repeat it over and over again.
That personal gluttonous characteristic is not changed by surgery.

However, for me the experience was an extremely valuable one,
and, as does almost everyone else who has ALSO had a similar surgery,
I can honestly say that I would make the same choice again. 

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Existing Comments:

On May 09, 2011 TexArk wrote:
You are an inspiration to those who have had surgery as well as those who have not. I was shocked when a morbidly obese friend gained back over 100 lbs. after her surgery. That was when I realized my misconceptions about the bypass. I realize that losing weight and maintaining is always going to be work or as you say, "Choose your hard."

On May 09, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Thanks TexArk. The Truth is that it will always take constant vigilence for me to remain normal size. I work to keep that firmly in my mind, as it is a rather unwelcome Truth.

On May 09, 2011 Karen925 wrote:
"Portion" control is harder than "spending" control for me. I do it but find it requires a greater act of the will to do so. I do not know if time, hence habit, will make it easier. I do know, I like being trim better than being fat, so I am willing to make the effort.

On May 09, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Karen, I find that "Habit" can help one mentally adjust oneself to become accustomed to smaller portions, but does little to bring my reduced fat body's appetite into line. Mt mind (Mental)wants me to be normal weight, but my body (Physical) wants to regain all the lost weight. Therefore I find that conscious mental effort is necessary even here in my 6th year of maintenance.

On May 09, 2011 Karen925 wrote:
conscious mental effort is necessary even here in my 6th year of maintenance.**** I think this is what I need to think about. When I was losing, I thought long and hard about maintenance. Foods I ate I wanted to enjoy going forward. No going back to old eating ways. No being done. If I ate what they way I did, I would look the way I did. However, I do notice the "hot sign" on at Krispy Kreme. I do not pull in, but I want to. I see the delicious fudge at the theatre yesterday, I did not eat one, but I wanted to. This "wanting to" is what I hope will go away and quite possibly it will not stop. Time will tell.

On May 09, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Each of us is different, and as you say Karen, Time will tell. As for me personally, my desire for those types of foods is still with me. Except for the times when I am involved with a specific diet experiment... such as low-carb..etc, It is not my practice to view any type of foods that I enjoy as "totally off-limits". During my maintenance I have eaten warm doughnuts and fudge...but in a budgeted way... certainly not just whenever the desire hits me. Even those who have done years of low-carbing seem to still have those cravings...just like the majority of ex-smokers. At this point I personally think this is a permanent problem, and how we choose to successfully deal with those hungers is a very individual matter.

On May 09, 2011 Karen925 wrote:
how we choose to successfully deal with those hungers is a very individual matter***Perhaps it is akin to how I have developed strategies for eating challenges (travel, holidays, etc...) that are helpful for me but maybe not so much for someone else. These desires can be put in the same category of challenge and planned for accordingly. I do not have any foods off limits, I just judge if some make the cut for that time. So over a period of time, I will eat what I want, it is not at the same meal usually. Mother's Day, I had planned to have a number of my favorites at one meal, so the portions were smaller, and I ate less for the entire weekend to budget for the splurge. I think your attitudes on thinspirations is applicable here. How do I want to see these food desires and how do I want to deal with them? Assuming that they will not be going away, what is the plan. If they do go away, so much the better. BTW, your recipes are a big help in formulating a course of action.

On May 10, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Thanks Karen, I'm really glad you like my recipes. Each one of them is something that I actually eat and enjoy in an amount suitable for me personally. Before I broke my wrist I had several recipe videos recorded and ready to edit, and I'm posting those once a week. After that ... as soon as I have the use of two hands again ... I plan to make one recipe video a week. I can now make short thinspiration videos with one hand and am now doing this again, with the plan to post these together with my daily blog articles. Clearly you are doing a great job of dealing with your individual food desires while maintaining your weight loss.

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