Map = Directions - POSTED ON: Mar 02, 2021
This Contents Directory is a MAP to the features existing here at DietHobby.
The MENU shown in the DietHobby Header and Footer provides links and drop-down boxes directing you to different Sections featured here in DietHobby. Descriptions and links to the individual Sections are also posted below.
BLOG is where I post my ongoing new blog articles. ABOUT ME contains specific facts about me and about DietHobby that some may find interesting.
RECIPES contains video recipes of foods I eat in my dieting lifestyle, and I post new recipe videos at random.
DIET WISDOM contains a series of short videos about dieting issues.
WORDS of WISDOM contains a series of brief Inspirational videos, each consisting of a positive statement lasting about 20 seconds. This section contains individual videos as well as the Words of Wisdom Playlist, in which these videos automatically play back-to-back. RESOURCES contains many things to help you with your weight-loss and maintenance journey.
What Do You Want? - POSTED ON: Dec 01, 2018
Trying to motivate yourself is a pointless endeavor. You want what you want whether or not you think you can have it, and you don’t want what you don’t want whether or not you think you should want it. Trying to “get motivated” is a side-issue that only diverts our attention from the main question. Feelings are a fundamental and unavoidable part of why humans do what they do. We can’t ignore our emotions. Because of the way our brains are structured, when thoughts and feelings compete, feelings almost always win. Research shows that fighting our feelings just makes them stronger. Motivation comes from inside us. Either we want to do something or we don’t. If we want to do it, we are already motivated. If we don’t want to do it, then why would we?
We are often told to make a list of our Goals. But most of the things that wind up on that list aren’t ACTUALLY Goals at all. For example, many people would say they have a goal of making money, but really their goal is the feeling of security and comfort that comes from making more money. So making more money is actually the STRATEGY, not the goal. Or take a more personal goal, like being in a serious relationship and/or getting married. Again, this is a STRATEGY. Their goal might be to feel a deep connection, and have emotional security. Having a long-term relationship is a STRATEGY to get them closer to those goals. In the same way, a goal of becoming Thin is also a STRATEGY. Most likely, the actual goal involves feelings about health, appearance, or relationships.
A goal is the Feeling you ultimately want from the thing you’re seeking. Ask yourself, “How will I feel when this happens?” The answer to that question is your goal. A strategy, then, is the path required to get there. When you’re clear on the difference between your goals and strategies, you’ll be more in touch with the big-picture purpose of what you’re actually striving for. Many people keep pushing toward goals that they’ve set for themselves, and then don’t understand why achieving them doesn’t make them satisfied or happy. Redefining your goals according to how you want to FEEL is a good solution for this problem. Go to your list of goals, and consider each goal according to this definition. Rewrite your goal so that it evokes a ...
Tool to Measure Marketing Claims about Diets and Dieting - POSTED ON: Apr 30, 2018
Winner of the “5 Percent Lottery of Hell” - POSTED ON: Jan 26, 2018
Below is a YouTube interview video of an online “Health Coach”, Isabel Foxen Duke, who takes the position of: Stop Dieting and accept Your Own Body Size and Set Point, whether it is fat or thin. It gives an accurate and thorough presentation of the issues involving body image, size acceptance, and weight bias. Research indicates that 95% of all dieters will regain all of their lost weight in 1-5 years, plus more, and will wind up heavier than they were before dieting. Near the end of the video Isabel says people who are able to successfully diet long term are winners in the “5% Lottery of Hell”. I am a person who is in the “tiny fraction of the population of statistical anomalies who are ‘able to successfully diet long term’ … one of the winners in the “5% Lottery of Hell” …, and I find her statements to be accurate as well as amusing. My primary objection to Intuitive Eating (aka: the Hunger & Fullness Diet), is that most of its cheerleaders falsely promise, or at least imply, that it will result in weight-loss; and rarely touch on the proven fact that “reduced obese” dieters who successfully adopt that way-of-eating will most likely re-gain all of their lost weight. Isabel Foxen Duke is an refreshing exception to that norm. She says:
"The reality of the situation is that when you heal your relationship with food, you will be sane, and you will be whatever weight that makes sense for your body … and that weight could be any number of various weights. It is not necessarily going to be defined by what we describe by the politically or socially constructed BMI index .”
What she says is compelling, and I agree with most of her positions on dieting and body image. She says: “You’ve got two choices. Either accept your body for what it is, or fight it.” Her recommended choice is to give up dieting and end the fight. My current choice is to continue fighting my body by dieting to maintain my weight-loss because, at this point, I am simply not willing to accept the high weight that my body clearly wants to give me. The YouTube interview below, “Isabel Foxen Duke on How to Stop F*cking with Food”, contains a clear and accurate explanation of Set Point. Here is a transcript I prepared which contains some of her statements about that issue: ...
Here is My Take on Naps. - POSTED ON: Jan 24, 2018
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
Jun 01, 2020 DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website. DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.
May 01, 2017 DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly. Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.