The No S Diet - Diet & Book Review

- POSTED ON: May 08, 2016

 One should read the book “The No S Diet” by Reinhard Engels  even if only to access his wisdom, common sense, and Habit concepts. 

Reinhard Engels is a software engineer who created the diet for himself and lost 40 pounds.

His diet has just three rules and one exception: No Snacks, No Sweets, No Seconds, Except (sometimes) on days that start with "S" (Saturday, Sunday and Special Days).

The No S Diet is incredibly simple. It has just three rules.
These three rules
  focus attention on the three primary areas that affect a person’s diet.

No Seconds…means you have to use portion control. 
                All of the food in your meal must fit on one normal sized plate (the one-plate rule).
No Snacks..…means you have to eat at mealtimes food in-between meals.
No Sweets......means you have to avoid foods that have sugar as the principal ingredient.

All of these rules apply on all normal (N) days.

 None of these rules apply on (S) days, i.e. weekends, holidays, and special occasions..
However, you are advised to normally stay with your normal-N day- habit and only SOMETIMES use your allowable exceptions. Just because it is an "S" day, doesn't mean sweets or snacks or seconds are REQUIRED. It just means there's no RULE against them. It isn't permission to binge. Following N day principles on S days is appropriate behavior.

Reinhard's No S is: ..."except SOMETIMES on S days".
Reinhard’s basic warning is: "Don't be an IDIOT".
Putting all of your food on one plate in front of you at the same time is meant to help you see how much you are actually eating, and keep you from deceiving yourself about that issue. Both the "No Snacks" rule and the "One Plate" rule are meant to keep one from DECEIVING oneself about how much one is actually eating. Reinhard hopes that the REALITY of seeing the food all together will jolt one into choosing to eat less. However, this depends on one's subjective beliefs about the size of "normal" food portions. 

The one-plate rule (no seconds) can be helpful information for a "normal" person, who is struggling in the "overweight" category if they understand how little food-intake they actually need, and have simply allowed their weight sneak up on them.
But it isn't very helpful for a person well into obesity, who thinks of large portions of high-calorie food as a normal amount.

No S is a simple, straightforward diet that is non-restrictive in nature. There are very few rules that must be followed. It allows people to occasionally eat foods that are normally restricted. It will fit into any lifestyle, and can be used together with other diet plans. It also is very affordable.

The No S diet relies strongly upon the concept of Habit, and the plan is based on getting people to cultivate habits that are sustainable for life…Habits which are intended to result in weight loss, or at least, result in the maintenance of one’s current weight.

There isn’t any fixed step-by-step plan, which could be an advantage to some, and a disadvantage to others. No S diet does initially demand huge amounts of self-control when it is used by people who have lifestyle habits that normally involve large amounts of between-meal eating, or large amounts of food at meals. You might suffer from hunger pains until your body adjusts to the No S way of eating.
You are the one who decides whether to make healthy food choices while eating within those rules. The No ‘S’ diet plan asks people to stick to a healthy diet plan. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less! The only food problem one needs to address, is the snacking, portions, and sweets part of their diet.

Initially, these rules tend to commonly result in weekend binge eating. This binge eating lessens over time for some people, but for other people weekend binge eating becomes habitual.

The primary problem with the basic No S Plan (known as “vanilla” No S) is that it won’t necessarily result in weight-loss. As Reinhard says,

"The No S Diet is not designed to get you "trim trim;"
it's designed to help you eat moderately (and see what happens

People differ in their energy requirements. The energy requirements for large, active males are far different than for small, sedentary females. This distinction is not addressed in the No S diet, and under the basic No S rules, it is easy for small, sedentary females to eat more than their body requires which, over time, can actually result in weight-gain.

The No S diet is based on the principle of Moderation. For people who don’t want to count calories, carbs, or keep track of points or food-exchanges and want something simple, then the No ‘S’ diet can be a good plan. It is simple, but not necessarily easy. The primary problem is whether you can actually follow the restrictions underlined in the diet.

I am very interested in the No S diet’s Habit concepts, and have watched many others on the No S diet for several years. My personal observation is that "vanilla" No S tends to activate the "binge/fast" cycle for many people, and my observation over the past couple of years, has been that, time alone,does not seem to stop "IDIOT" behavior for obese people who tend to binge. It seems clear to me that these people need additional eating restrictions on "S" day eating.

Reinhard makes some good suggestions on some additions and modifications that might help resolve this problem for some people.My personal version of No S greatly differs from Reinhard's basic plan.
My opinion is that the brilliance of The No S Diet is not in the specific rules of the diet,
but instead in the philosophy of cultivating eating habits that are sustainable for life. 


NOTE:  Originally posted on 3/30/11, Reposted for New Viewers

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Existing Comments:

On Feb 26, 2011 Sienna wrote:
I'm very intrigued by your comments about the binge eating cycle. I am a formerly obese, now overweight follower of NoS (starting BMI 37.67, current BMI 29.2). I am also a former binge eater. Previous binges include shameful events like gorging myself on 3 medium pizzas in one night and furtively downing 2 rolls of cookie dough in my car on my drive home from work. Fortunately for me, I've been an exception to your observation. As an emotional binger, NoS has really helped me because it's limited my possible binge days to 2 per week. Additionally, despite being at high risk for "being an idiot" the solid weekday Habits have caused me to start being more sensible about eating on S days. I have become much better at separating "true hunger" from "emotional hunger" and eliminating the latter. I've long thought that different personalities are best aided by different types of diets. Clearly, NoS works very well for certain personality types, but not for others. Based on your research and observations, I wonder if you have any thoughts on what types of personalities are best suited to different types of diet strategies?

On Feb 26, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Sienna, I'm happy to hear that No S is helping reduce your binge eating. You raise an interesting question. I strongly believe that this is not a one-size-fits-all world, and that all diets don't work the same for everyone. However, I haven't given a lot of thought to the specific issue of what type of personality seems to be best suited to the different types of diet strategies. Thanks for raising such an interesting issue for future research and discussion.

On Feb 28, 2011 TexArk wrote:
My personal experience with NoS: I maintained a 50 lb. weight loss for several years. I was really tired of meticulously monitoring my food and thought that I could become a normal eater after reading several intuitive eating authors. Unfortunately I did not maintain. After gaining weight trying intuitive eating I found the NoS web site and ordered the book. This sounded like just what I needed-- some boundaries but with the freedom that I had looked for in intuitive eating. I liked the structure of 3 meals a day (no snacks, no sweets, no seconds) and two days a week to enjoy eating out and special treats. I believe those are good habits to form, and I had very little trouble with the N days. The theory is that if you get your N Days down to a habit, the S days will eventually settle down and not be excessive. That may be true for some folks, but that was just not the case for me. I could put together perfect N Days, but I never got my S Days under control. I tried for 18 months because I really wanted it to work for me, but I only succeeded in gaining 30 more pounds! That is when I gave up and added calorie counting to the NoS structure. That stopped the weekend binges/overeating because I could SEE what I was doing. I immediately started losing pounds and pretty soon I just gave up sweets all together. I found that for me abstinence stopped the cravings. Now I basically follow the NoS pattern of 3 plated meals a day without snacks or sweets. Since the first of the year I have also eliminated gluten grains, and that along with no sugar has pretty much stopped all hunger and cravings so I don’t even try to have S Days. It is my personal opinion that NoS works great for someone who does not have much weight to lose and has never had a binge eating problem. It is great for stopping the all day snacking habits of most Americans. The strict no sweets except on Saturdays and Sundays rule seems to be the sticking point. This is where you will see people working out all sorts of modifications. The website is very informative and the posters are fun and engaging, and you have to love Reinhard’s common sense approach. By the way, I have lost over 30 lbs. after adding calorie counting to NoS.

On Feb 28, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             TexArk, Thank you for sharing your long-time experience and opinion regarding the No So Diet.

On Feb 28, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
I am surprised at your statements: "My personal observation is that "vanilla" No S tends to activate the "binge/fast" cycle for many people." and "Initially, these rules tend to commonly result in weekend binge eating." I would come to a very different conclusion. I've also been a follower of NoS since 2008, , fell into the "obese" category when I started, have done only "Vanilla NoS" and I've been VERY SUCCESSFUL despite my age (50s), height (5'2"), and medical issues (thyroid) with a sustained weight loss of 40 pounds. I have never binged nor been tempted to binge because of NoS principles. And I am by no means the only one who has accomplished this. It is my observation that most people do quite well with NoS habits and manage to find their own tweaks and mods while following the basic principles (no one HAS to gorge on Sdays) and generally improve their health and eating habits. I do know there are those (a vocal minority, in my opinion) who do seem to need "more." Because of that need, those types of posts appear on the NoS board disproportionately to "most" NoS followers; this makes sense. Because I have rarely struggled with following the sensible NoS habits, I've never had any reason to post angst/worry/concern/fears over my NoS journey. Again, I understand others may have compounding issues and am not here to contradict or state they don't exist. I just take exception with the idea that "many" or "most" will find it difficult; I think the population is much smaller. I agree with Reinhard that the three NoS "rules" and its "Sday exceptions" are just explicit statements of eating habits that have been the *norm* for millenia.... I hope (as you do) that the readers of your website will take the time to check out the NoS diet website for themselves. It can be life-changing!

On Feb 28, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Vmsurbat, Your personal experience, observations, and opinions about No S are extremely valuable. Thank you for sharing them here. You raised a good point about my observations of other No S members on the forum. There are many differences between people, and what is true for me, is not necessarily true for others. Congratulations on your success with using No S, and I join you in hoping that interested readers will investigate the No S Diet and the No S website for themselves. It might be just what they are looking for.

On Feb 28, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
PS. I wanted to add that your opening paragraphs describing the NoS diet are spot on and succinctly done! I just hit "enter" too soon!

On Feb 28, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Vrmsurbat, I very much appreciated receiving this additional comment from you.

On Feb 28, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
NoS and Reinhard's other life hacks are about moderation. If you can handle a little bit of self denial, you can do very good things with NoS. I personally don't have a big problem with moderation and I've done quite well using Nos. On the other hand, I've never been terribly overweight - I needed to lose 35 pounds to be at my college weight. I think your point that there really isn't one size that fits all is very true.

On Feb 28, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             tkb, thanks for sharing your insight and experience.

On Feb 28, 2011 Graham wrote:
I started No S last April, hoping to tackle my abdominal obesity. After 1 month it was clear that near 100% compliance with No S rules was do-able for me - but didn't cause any weight or waist loss at all. I added intermittent fasting and lost @ 10% of my weight and @3" off my waist, but then in the autumn I stalled and I'm now looking at other ways to tweak No S to get to a safe Waist/height ratio (<50%). I think No S is a plan worth trying, it works for some people, how effective it is may depend on factors like age, size, how much you need to lose. I'm 60 and officially have a "normal" BMI, whilst having a "dangerous" waist measurement, and for me No S was ineffective, but the No S website and No S community have been a valuable resource, it is a relaxed enough community to incorporate the voices of those who like No S even though it isn't sufficient for them. As to evaluating how many people No S works for - there's no-one out there doing a survey so I don't see how anybody can say how effective it is, or how well it compares to other diets. It is certainly worth trying, and the no sweets/no snacks except on S days rules are sound and sensible.

On Mar 01, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Graham, You made some excellent points, and I agree with all of them.

On Mar 01, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
I continue to return to this way of eating over and over. It is the most sane and logical of all diets out there! You can adapt the diet, if you want to do low carb, great, just stick to your one plate, 3 meals and S's on the weekend, no problem. It has also helped me to deal with my emotional issues with food and weight.

On Mar 01, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             shamrockmommy, thanks for sharing your opinion and experience. I agree that No S is an extremely flexible plan, and can easily be combined with other diets.

On Mar 01, 2011 rroush wrote:
This was a fantastic summary of the NoS book and concept. I really admire the NoS concept and feel like it is one that I wished I could follow indefinitely. It's simple, straightforward and allows for little deviation from "normal" eating in the sense that others would not necessarily even know that you are dieting. Food items (aside from sugar) are not limited so you can keep a variety of foods you enjoy in your diet. I'm one of those that usually end up modifying this plan a bit, but it would be nice to be successful only following these rules since they are so straightforward.

On Mar 01, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Thanks Rebecca, for sharing your thoughts about this. For me, personally, the "No Snacks" rule has been practically impossible to follow, and I've experimented with a lot of modifications on that one. However, many of the No S concepts have been very helpful to me.

On Mar 02, 2011 clarinetgal wrote:
I think that, as a whole, No S is a very sound eating plan. I absolutely love the focus on moderation. I am also eternally grateful to No S for breaking me of my habits of snacking and seconds. However, I have found that following Vanilla No S was not enough for me. To paraphrase what you wrote, it lead to a fast/binge cycle for me. I would think about sweets all week (to the point where it was almost an idol), and I would binge on them all weekend -- thus undoing all of my good eating efforts for the week. What really worked the best for was following the basic structure of No S (3 meals, no snacks or seconds, a very moderate amount of sweets each day), and combining it with calorie counting. I didn't track my calories or write them down, but I would keep a running total of my calorie count throughout the day. I am currently 14.5 weeks pregnant, so I haven't been following No S lately, but I definitely plan to get back to it once the baby is born.

On Mar 02, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Clarinetgal, I loved reading about your personal experience with The No S Diet. So you're almost 4 months along in your preganancy? Is morning sickness or special cravings the reason for your current diet change? What are you choosing to do instead? I'm curious about that.

On Mar 02, 2011 Over43 wrote:
The No S Diet is an example of someone (Reinhard Engels),who is apparently blessed with above average intelligence, can wade through the mire of the diet swamp, and give many people a very sustainable "diet" plan. I have been using No S on and off (mostly on) since April of 2010. The first month I lost six pounds. Eventually reducing my body weight from 186 to 175 lbs. in two months. The best part is, no "good" or "bad" macronutrients, just three plates a day at your three meals (one plate per meal...), and no seconds, snacks, or sweets. Except on Special Days. It is almost to simple, and I have run into people who are vehemently opposed to the "no snack" rule...(I have to snack!) But 64 oz. cups of soda and tub sized packages of cheese balls would indicate we eat to d@mned much. Summing this up, I personally believe that most people can be successful on this approach. It isn't 15 pounds in two weeks like some diets will push, but it is slow, measured weight loss.

On Mar 02, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Over43, I've always been interested in your opinions, and I'm pleased to see that you posted your thoughts about The No S Diet here.

On Mar 02, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
Did any of you with No S experience notice that I wound up mentioning No S a couple of times in my cooking video, Eggbeater Custard? If you haven't seen it...and want to do can find it under the Header button, RESOURCES, where there is a drop-down box to VIDEOS, and on the Videos page, under COOKING VIDEOS, is the Eggbeater Custard video.

On Mar 02, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
I'm a long-time No-Ser, commenting at Phyllis's request. I consider No-S the absolute best alternative I've found. In the past, I've done strict calorie-counting and several rounds of Weight Watchers. Weight maintenance took far more attention than I wanted it to (dieting is not MY hobby, lol!). No-S allows the building of simple habits that support reasonable eating. Once in place, they're so automatic that the word "diet" seems inappropriate. It's just the way I eat. Big advantages, with some examples/comments: - Starts where you are. ... People who are very obese are probably eating so much that even BIG plates (with no snacks) will be a reduction. People who are already used to reasonable portions just trim off the excess. (IMHO, cutting out snacking is the biggest critical change for most people.) ... You can eat the foods you're used to, or have available. No crazy "you HAVE to have..." requirements that are hard to follow. - Supports incremental improvement ...Most lasting change comes about through consistency, not one huge effort. And when you practice anything consistently, you get better at it. That happens with No-S. Common patterns: Food choices get healthier - not as a "have-to," but as a "choose to". Portions get smaller as people realize that they don't need so much. Slip-ups get shorter - the "I've blown it so I'll continue to eat" syndrome disappears. ... If there are issues with weight gain, No-S "shines a spotlight" on where the excess is. It's not as easy to fool yourself about how much you're eating as it is with other diets! That allows you to make small, painless changes that are effective. - Stops the mental chatter ...On most diets I've been on, there's an ongoing background chatter in my head. "If I eat this now, I can't have that later... if I don't eat this, then..." Many people have reported the same. No-S quietens that voice, because the guidelines are so clear. And it's a surprising relief. I have a lot more energy for other things with that gone! - Helps distinguish between hunger and emotional eating ... I used to eat when I was bored/tired/stressed/looking for a break. When my food intake was limited to mealtime, I found that I learned to recognize those other emotions better and take more appropriate steps to deal with them. - Builds self-knowledge ... The lack of "eat this" rules means that each person gets to figure out "what works for me" in terms of daily patterns, routines, likes and dislikes. That's a powerful bit of self-knowledge. - Allows for more enjoyment of food! ... The S-days allow treats. That took some getting used to... It had been years since I'd eaten a dessert without a side order of guilt. But now that I am eating more moderately overall, I can have really good desserts without any guilt. The quantity of treats has gone way down, but the quality has gone way up - and so has enjoyment. (And daily food tastes better too... without the constant barrage of sugar, I taste the sweetness of fruit and a wider range of flavor in general.) In response to concerns... There have been people who have had issues with binging on weekends. However, I also take issue that that's the "most" common experience. I read as many testamonials from former binge eaters who say that No-S has helped them regulate their eating. (I will agree that some do have to give special attention to S-days.) I do see a different population that struggles with No-S: the rebound repeat dieter. Someone small who has been practicing extremely strict calorie control, who will gain weight on 3 meals for a while, simply because their body is half-starved. While there have been plenty of people who made it through this stage, I have seen a number freak and give up. (Those who made it through gave themselves time to build habit, then looked at what they were putting on their plates and made appropriate adjustments.) I agree with Phyllis that different diets work for different people. In my opinion, No-S is one of the most broadly useful around. Phyllis nailed it when she said "My opinion is that the brilliance of The No S Diet is not in the specific rules of the diet, but instead in the philosophy of cultivating eating habits that are sustainable for life."

On Mar 02, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             KCCC, Thank you so much for your thorough and insightful comment about No S. I'm am so pleased that your opinion and experience is posted here for those people who might be interested in trying out that option for themselves. During our long association on the No S Forum we have greatly differed in our dieting approaches, but the courtesy and tolerance you've shown people (like me) who don't choose to exactly adhere to the basic diet rules is wonderful. I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank you and tell you how much I've appreciated it.

On Mar 02, 2011 TexArk wrote:
KCCC gives a very good description of the way NoS is supposed to work and clarinetgal also gives a good example of some problems for a few (?) of us. You see, I think clarinetgal and I are examples of those for whom the "diet chatter" increased because of the no sweets restriction. The voice gets louder and louder as you turn down sweets all week and begin to plan those special treats for the S Days. I used to look at recipes all week and plan to bake something special on Saturday. On Sunday night I couldn't stop the chatter in my head... "it is going to be 5 days before I can have another what do I want now?" Clarinetgal modified NoS by eating a little treat each day and I have had great success with abstinence. I do not think those who cannot handle total freedom from "diet rules" are lacking in moral character and those who have learned moderation are necessarily more virtuous. Read the book discussion on Why We Get Fat.

On Mar 02, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Good Point, TexArk.

On Mar 02, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
TexArk, in response to your comment: "I do not think those who cannot handle total freedom from "diet rules" are lacking in moral character and those who have learned moderation are necessarily more virtuous." (A) I completely agree that moral/character judgment ought not to be involved. (B) I'm not sure if there is such a thing as "complete freedom from diet rules." We all have "rules," whether we recognize them consciously or just do them unconsciously. (I have personal "rules" about number of fruits/veg, that have nothing to do with canonical No-S. Mostly, I don't even notice those rules... until I'm in a situation where I can't get my veggies, and get grumpy over it!) Some rules work for us better than others. Figuring out what works for YOU is success, and it doesn't matter if it looks like someone else's success. ************************************************** I love No-S because it's basic structure gives people a groundwork to start from, and then there's enough flexibility that each person can figure out what works best for his/her own situation and needs. You and Clarinetgal both did a great job at that.

On Mar 02, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Thanks KCCC for the additional comment. I love to see this kind of clarification and discussion.

On Mar 03, 2011 librarylady wrote:
I'm sure that there are some people for whom No S does not work - especially those whose bodies and minds have been subject to more dieting stress (i.e. having to lose over 100 pounds, having years and years of yo yo dieting etc.) But for most of us simply going back to "Grandma's diet - or great Grandma for some of the younger ones! should do the trick. However we have to do this in a society and culture where, unlike Grandma (or great Grandma) we are inundated left right and center by easy-to-get at food. Even in my childhood in the sixties I don't remember people eating nonstop while walking on the street. I don't remember aisles upon aisles of "snacks" - whole sections of the supermarket devoted to every conceivable variety. Fast food was in its infancy and people rarely ate out. No S gives us the rules and guidelines to rediscover that we do not need all that food. On another site the rules were dismissed as "arbitrary" - but they are not - they are intended to reform our habits. Most of the extra eating I did was from bad habits which I developed over the last 20 years. However I feel myself happily going back to my childhood habits of moderation for most of the time, with treats being restricted to their proper place - and being more the treat for that restriction!

On Mar 03, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             librarylady, Thanks for sharing your opinion about The No S Diet, and also your personal experience with it.

On Mar 08, 2011 reinhard wrote:

On Mar 08, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Reinhard, thank you so much for your terrific comment. I am so bummed out that somehow .... while I was making a reply to thank you for your compliments and for expressing your appreciation to the people who made positive comments about NO S ...... I lost your comment in cyberspace. All I can do is publicly apologize here, and hope that you, Reinhard, and all of the No S members ... and other people ... who would have loved to have seen your comment, will forgive me for my computer ineptitude. I believe I discovered the problem and think I can keep from repeating this error in the future.

On Mar 12, 2011 reinhard wrote:
Dear Dr. Collins, Please don't worry about it -- I've accidentally deleted more than my fair share of stuff over the years. And I'm afraid what I wrote wasn't nearly as inspired as what you seem to remember. Nonetheless, I'll do my best to try to repost it now. Here goes: "Although I'm very fond of the specific rules of vanilla no-s, and I think they are a sufficient out of the box solution for many people, I agree that the spirit behind them, the spirit of practical moderation (or 'systematic moderation,' as I like to call it) is even more important. And I'm delighted to see how you and many others here have used this spirit (and perhaps a few implementational details of no s) to put together your own highly personalized and effective systems. Vanilla is great -- but sprinkles can be nice, too." Does that sound about right? It's possible I threw a smiley face or two in there somewhere. I think I also wrote something congratulating you on getting this lively forum going, which I emphatically reiterate.

On Mar 12, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
Reinhard, Thank you very much for making another comment here. I'm replying as a new comment, because although I feel certain I won't repeat the error, I am unwilling to even risk it.

On Mar 13, 2011 wosnes wrote:
I'm also a long-time No-Ser, here at Phyllis's request. I hate talking about diets. I completely agree with Phyllis's statement that " the brilliance of The No S Diet is not in the specific rules of the diet, but instead in the philosophy of cultivating eating habits that are sustainable for life." Some variation of No S is the way people have eaten for centuries. No S represents a return to the habits surrounding food and eating that guided us for years, when problems with weight control were rare. I think the biggest benefit of No S, aside from weight loss, is the ability to truly enjoy good food without guilt.

On Mar 13, 2011 Dr. Collins wrote:
             wosnes, Thank you for commenting here. You are really one of the success stories of No S, and your "real food" perspective has often made me think about things I would never have otherwise considered.

On Nov 01, 2012 Dr. Collins wrote:
Upon revisiting this blog, I see that - sometime after this blog and comments were made, a technical glitch occurred that caused some of the member's original comments to be attributed to me. Specifically, two comments dated 2/28/2011 by VIMSURBOT; a comment by TKB dated 2/28/2011; and two comments by KCCC dated 3/2/2011. I apologize for this technical glitch, and suspect that the glitch occurred as some kind of side-effect of the Hacking of DietHobby back in Spring of 2012. To the best of my knowledge, this does not involve new and ongoing activities, and I will correct such past glitches whenever I spot them. Ordinarily I reply to each comment, stating the original posting member's name, so if there is every a question as to WHO made an original comment, it can be clarified by looking at the name I use when I Reply.

On Jan 10, 2020 oolala53 wrote:
This is oolala53 from the No S diet discussion page. I can't believe I never commented on No S here, since there are thousands of my comments there! At least, I don't think I saw anything from me. Well, it's been a little over ten years (really, really started seriously on Dec. 26, 2009), though I started modifications with various forms of intermittent fasting in 2015-NOT FOR WEIGHT LOSS, I believe, after a few years of having maintained a 40-lb. loss that took me into the high normal BMI range. My appetite changed, hunger decreased but desire didn't, and it wasn't as gloriously satisfying as it had been. I miss those days! But I've aged and I'm pretty sure that has had a major effect. I still think of myself as a NO S-er even though it's actually been a few years since I was 90% or better compliant. (I tried adding IF because I thought it would help me negotiate my hunger, or lack of it, better.) I credit No S with helping to cooperate with my body's natural comfort with this weight, even with failures; I can compensate. I did actually go down for a few years, but it took a lot of focus. My weight zoomed back here and floats pretty easily. I thought after I retired that I would be able to implement a new system of only two meals a day, a brunch and a dinner, but so far I have found that I still like eating for more hours of the daym, even though I'm not particularly hungry. Some would say it's habit; these days, I'm more likely to say it's a natural brain thang! I don't have to be ravenous for the brain to be asserting itself with vague desires for food. If you look around the world, it's obvious that people are compelled to eat more than they need, since in all countries that don't have cultural practices to limit food in place, if more food becomes available, people get fatter on average. (Some of them actually believe being heavier is more attractive, so that's involved, too, but it's unlikely they are uncomfortable getting there, unlike the discomfort involved in avoiding food to be thinner. Brain researcher Stephen Guyenet cites another researcher who says it seems there is a hormone that defends lowering weight but it doesn't work to limit raising it.) I took a couple of years to get to my maintained weight, and that was with plenty of wild S days (and a lot of unhappiness over that, as time went on, but I loved my N days.) I was there for a few years, basically darn happy. I've gotten to the point at which I am not convinced I can get the health outcomes I would like eating even the reasonable way I did on N days before, meaning I have limited some foods a LOT and increased others. I haven't done it for any length of time and won't know for a few months at least if it nets any weight loss, but that is not my intention with the changes. I just keep track on a quarterly basis. I hope some day when I feel I have really really really implemented what I think I should and it has truly become habit, I will weigh even less often. Have I gotten too far from No S in this post? It was a godsend for me, and I was a sugar binger. I outlasted the continued bingeing because it was confined and eventually got unpleasant enough that I was able to implement a mod- yes, it did not go away without that, and returned after some mods related to fasting, even as recently as these past holiday season, but I blame that on having tried unsustainable mods. If nothing else, I think No S is a fantastic way to manage the onslaught of food in our culture, to have a basic foundation of eating to experiment with and come back to, if necessary. But it isn't as if it won't take thought; a person who comes to it used to piling plates with dense food and who doesn't pay attention to whether less is needed is probably going to leave dissatisfied.

On Jan 10, 2020 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Oolala, Thanks for posting your experience. I've appreciated and enjoyed our online sharing during this past 10+ years, and have found a great many of your comments to be very wise.

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