I'm not a Guru

- POSTED ON: Aug 11, 2012

I'm not a Guru... a teacher or a guide, and DietHobby is not a place to find every dieting answer.
What I am is a living human being who shares my own thoughts, my experiences, and my opinions
here while I pursue my own personal hobby of dieting as a lifestyle.

I recently read: 

"Getting Information from the Internet is like taking a drink from a Fire Hydrant."

I find that so very true. There's a lot of information available here on the internet.
Something for everyone.
There are hundreds, even thousands, of diet plans ... of "ways of eating"
.. including those claiming not be be "diet" plans, such as those which use intuitive eating principles...but all of which deal with the specifics of eating .. how, or when, or what to eat... often including various items and/or amounts to eat and to not eat, or when to eat or not eat.

All of them work for someone, but that someone isn't necessarily me.
Maybe that someone is you, and maybe not.
Many of them interest me, and I can enjoy learning about them.

A great many people seem to believe that an "Ultimate Answer" exists.
I'm not one of them.
My personal position is that a continual search is okay.
The process doesn't have to be an unpleasant one.

I've been fat and I didn't like it.

I didn't like having a fat body, and I don't want to be fat again.
I've worked very hard to get my body to a normal size,
and I'm willing to continue working hard to keep it there.

In a perfect world, I could eat all I wanted, of anything I wanted, whenever I wanted
and while doing that, my body would stay within a normal BMI range
...rather than spiral into morbid obesity.

It's not a perfect world, but I've learned that Dieting can become an enjoyable hobby.
It merely depends on the perspective one chooses. 
We can learn to enjoy the process, the dieting lifestyle journey,
and we don't necessarily have to find an "Ultimate Answer".

This has a lot to do with the issue of "Acceptance".
Acceptance of the reality of life the way it is, rather than the way we wish it were.

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Existing Comments:

On Aug 11, 2012 Alma wrote:
Perfectly stated! What works for us this week, month or year might need to be changed or modified LATER. While gleaning Fitbie, I found this to be interesting. 20 Healthy Zero-Calorie Foods per Fitbie So-called “zero-calorie” foods, like celery and cucumbers, contain fewer calories than the body uses to break them down. And although nutritionists account for the energy it takes to chew and digest them when they calculate how many calories we need, these eats deserve prime spots on our plates. (Related: The Best Times to Eat for Weight Loss) You can eat them in large quantities without busting your gut, and low-calorie doesn’t mean low nutrients. “And, obviously, if eating very low calorie foods keeps you from eating higher calorie foods, that's a win,” says Monica Reinagel, licensed nutritionist and creator of the Nutrition Diva podcast. So fill up your fridge with the following 20 foods that are loaded with vitamins and minerals—not calories. Cucumber Citrus Celery Apples Kelp Asparagus Apricots Watermelon Tomatoes Broccoli Cauliflower Strawberries Leafy Greens Red Chili Peppers Mushrooms Red Bell Peppers Summer Squash Turnip Green Tea Water http://fitbie.msn.com/slideshow/20-healthy-zero-calorie-foods

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