No S Diet vs. Intuitive Eating - Diet Review

- POSTED ON: May 05, 2016

If I am "building castles in the air"
I am dreaming grandiose dreams without any foundation.

Building castles in the air is NOT however to be confused with dreaming big dreams and then planning through the steps necessary to make those dreams a reality.

A member of a forum I frequent, recently asked:

“Just curious. What about No S vs. Intuitive Eating?”

Here is my take on these two concepts.

No S accepts that it is a diet, and gives specific and objective (although flexible) rules...such as:  "No snacks, no sweets, no seconds except ..sometimes..on days beginning with S".

Intuitive Eating is one of those diets that refuses to admit it is a diet, and gives vague and subjective rules...such as:  "Eat only when hungry, eat what you want, stop when you're full".

No S relies on the principle that: when a person who is interested in moderation, sees and actually realizes the amount of food they are eating, they will choose to reduce that amount,and through that behavior, they will achieve and maintain a more normal bodyweight.

Intutive Eating relies on the principle that: when a person gets rid of outside rules,....except for the Intuitive Eating rules about eating when hungry etc....and relies on their BODY to tell them what and how much to eat, that their own body signals will cause them to reduce the amounts they eat  and eventually acheive and maintain a normal bodyweight.

 (Note: "Intutive Eating"  is a diet (labeled non-diet) used by many "eating disorder experts", although it has absolutely zero scientific basis, as well a dismal success rate.)

No S is objective and primarily based on common sense.
Intutitive Eating is subjective and primarily based on magic

Those of you who are unfamiliar with the No S Diet, and/or the diet-that-says-it-isn’t-a-diet concept known as “Intitutive Eating” can learn more about these from reading some of my past articles which are contained here in the ARCHIVES of DietHobby.

Some specific links are:


"The No S Diet” (2008), by Reinhard Engels is a book and diet plan that I’ve discussed and reviewed previously. Click here to see my review and viewer comments.


Here is one of my past articles about the Concepts of Intitutive Eating

The two concepts together, were the basis of a previous article posted in December 2011. See: 
Intuitive Eating and the No S Diet.


NOTE: Originally posted on 11/1/12. Reposted for new viewers.

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Existing Comments:

On Nov 01, 2012 jethro wrote:
I've gone into the fast five diet. Ergo, to stay with NOS, I've had to reduce my meals to two per day. Otherwise I feel too stuffed. NOS can be adapted to my diet because in such a short eating period, there is no room for over eating. What you eat is a function of how you feel afterwards. Too much to eat, reduce volume. Fortunately, Dr. Collins has provided stats on the required macro nutrients, basically protein, which makes it easier - to me - to design my meals.

On Nov 01, 2012 jethro wrote:
I want to add that I had a huge hang-up over protein, carbs and fats. With Dr. Collins facts (protein is the only required macro nutrient) planning my meals has become easier.

On Nov 01, 2012 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Hi Jethro, Thanks for sharing about your current efforts. I look forward to hearing how things go for you.

On Nov 01, 2012 Dr. Collins wrote:
I am never on a 'diet'........just an attitude adjustment, and a change in lifestyle is all.

On Nov 01, 2012 Dr. Collins wrote:
             John, Thanks for sharing your position. My own position is **if it involves my food intake, then it is a diet *** .. no matter whether it is called "diet", "way-of-eating", "attitude adjustment", "lifestyle" no matter whether or not it involves "calorie-counting", "calorie-restricting", "low-carb", "zero-carb", "balanced", "low-fat", "intuitive", "low-sugar", "non-dairy", "paleo", "junk-food", "healthy" or any other terminology.

On Nov 02, 2012 Dr. Collins wrote:
Hi Phyllis, So the word 'diet' is sort of saying, "A rose by any other name is still a rose". When I hear the word 'diet', the first word that begins with the letter 'D' that enters my mind is 'deprived'. By using the other buzz words, 'attitude adjustment', or a 'change in lifestyle', I do not feel 'deprived' of anything, and am usually successful in losing my surplus weight. I guess losing weight is a 'hobby' for me also, as I just keep doing it. Maybe this time will be the charm for me to keep it off.....going to remain on DietPower Forum during the maintenance phase this time, and long after that. Getting to old for this!

On Nov 02, 2012 Dr. Collins wrote:
             John, I also hope that you stick around forever after you get to maintenance. You lost your weight on a diet, and you gained your weight on a diet. Both of those things happened due to your food intake. 'Dieting' is my hobby, which includes maintenance as well as weight-loss, and this means that I am making my own 'diet', ... which is dealing with my own food intake ... into an enjoyable hobby.

On Nov 02, 2012 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Yes, John. The reality is that the word 'diet' just refers to the food that we eat. Modern Culture and Marketing have overused and misused the word so much that many people have forgotten its actual definition.. which is also now happening to words like 'healthy', and 'lifestyle' and 'way-of-eating' etc. Advertising relies on figuring out how to sell a product or an idea by figuring out what words will give it a "new and positive spin". But ... to call a spade a spade ... our diet is simply our food intake ... whatever and however much that food might be. Personally, I like using a word that actually MEANS what I'm intending to say, and I refuse to abandon a word simply beause it has been commonized and defiled by the overuse of marketing interests.

On Nov 02, 2012 Dr. Collins wrote:
Phyllis, I completely understand and respect you position on the use of the word 'diet'.

On Nov 02, 2012 Dr. Collins wrote:
             Thanks John. =)

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