Portion Control
- POSTED ON: Mar 13, 2011


The term “portion control” actually means:
“a precise amount of content to control usage”

That precise amount could be any amount,
and actually could consist of a portion…or precise amount…
of food far more than one might desire to eat.

This can be true of any food, presented in any way.
For example, bulk commodies (such as salt) can be divided
into individual packages that are a more suitable size for individual households,
however, this doesn’t mean that one must consume the entire package at any one sitting.

A common definition of “portion control”
is understanding how much a serving size is.
If one is counting calories…this would include
how many calories a serving contains.
A serving size could be ANY amount,
therefore “portion control” does not automatically limit size of a substance.

 Nutritionists, and other “experts” like the USDA,
have devised simple formulas
to define a “portion” …or precise amount....of a specific food
for easy mental reference…and to provide a “common definition” for society.

Those common definitions are then easily used
by people to determine individually, what amount of specific foods
would be optimal for a person of that particular size
in order for that person to keep from gaining weight, or for weight-loss.
These simple formulas are used by many people to easily “eyeball” their food,
and consciously choose the proportions that will benefit them personally,

The existence of common portion definitions doesn’t necessarily limit food-intake.
It merely defines a specific size of food as a specific number of servings.
A definition doesn’t limit food-intake,
it merely provides a tool of knowledge.
One can still eat whatever amount of food they choose to eat,
but portion definitions bring Intellectual Awareness to the process.
The term “Control: merely means
to have power over, or to direct influence over…
So “portion control” is merely having power over
or directing influence over the specific amounts of food one eats.
EVERYONE necessarily does that every time they eat.

Assuming one has access to unlimited amounts of food,
one controls one’s food-intake portions
via the body’s physical reactions…such as discomfort, nausea etc,
or one can choose to control one’s food-intake portions
via their intellectual knowledge of what their body requires.
In modern civilization, most people use a combination of both methods.

My own Accountability
- POSTED ON: Mar 11, 2011


While it is true that many people get tired of calorie counting, and many people don't manage to continue calorie counting under stress, this is not ALWAYS the case.

For example, in my own case, for the past six and a half years I have continued to consistently log ALL of my food into my computer software food log, DietPower, EVERY SINGLE DAY, and this program counts the calories and other nutritional values of that food. That computer program says that today is the 2364th day without any missing data.

This does NOT mean that I never overate or never binged during the past six years, It merely means that I ALWAYS entered ALL of my food into the journal. It became, and is, a HABIT.

This is the principle of ACCOUNTABILITY.
I am accountable for every bite I eat.... even on vacation days, sick days, stress days.
This has provided me with long-term success.

My life has not been stress-free during this process. I have all of the ongoing NORMAL stresses of life, both good and bad, and I have also had some EXCEPTIONAL stressing circumstances. I'm going to list some of them below, not to show myself as a "victim", but as an example of the stress one can go through while successfully counting calories.

  For Example:

I have two unmarried adult children. During my weight-loss phase, my son was severely burned in a fire, and spent over a month in a hospital burn unit in severe pain, receiving skin graphs.

During my maintenance-phase, my daughter was in the hospital in a coma, and upon physical recovery spent long periods in mental health facilities, which resulted in long-term disability SSI, making her mother (me) the one responsible for handling her ongoing income.

During my weight-loss phase, I was responsible for my aging mother, who had Alzheimer's, and was the one who had to place her in a facility, visit her daily, advocate for her, and witness her death.

During my maintenance phase, my father-in-law died; we were forced to place my disabled mother-in-law into a nursing home, where she was visited frequently until her death, about 6 months ago.

During my maintenance phase, the nephew with whom I had a close relationship, became a Marine, and spent a tour in Iraq, and after coming home safely, spent another tour in Afghanistan, which resulted in his receiving two purple hearts.

During the past 5 years of my maintenance phase, my husband has had eye surgery twice, as well as another unrelated surgery. My best friend for the past 25 years, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and I spent time with her almost every day until she died 5 months later.Other beloved family members have also dealt with severe illness.

During my maintenance phase, three years ago, I developed a life-threatening medical condition...

- POSTED ON: Mar 10, 2011

The term, “Character” refers to the traits, the distinguishing qualities,

that make up and distinguish an individual.

Each of us has many personal character traits, both positive and negative.
One of my own character traits is Determination,
a fixed intention to achieve a desired end.

Determined and Stubborn, are two words that describe a similar trait.
The word ‘Determined; has positive implications,
while the word ‘Stubborn’…sounds a bit negative.
Those who approve of my behavior would say that I’m Determined.
Those who don’t, would say that I’m Stubborn.
My daddy used to call it “Bullheaded”.

There are many areas in my life demonstrating this character trait.
The events of yesterday provide an example.

 My son-the-web-genius persuaded me to make videos a part of my site,
and to cooperate with him by letting him film a few videos of me cooking.
He believed that I would enjoy the process and therefore want to learn
how to make videos so I could post them here. He was right.

My first contact with a camcorder, and with the Mac computer
was last Friday afternoon, and I’m writing this early on Thursday morning.
Yesterday was my first attempt at making a video totally alone.
….well…except for instructions by telephone when I got totally stuck.

I wound up shooting that cooking video five separate times….
thank God that I’m doing very simple, easy recipes…
and I can’t even begin to describe my many technical difficulties with the Mac,
I-Movie, Safari, and YouTube…..all of which are quite new to me.
But I’ll tell you about my first error with the camcorder.
 To me, red means stop, and green means go.
So, I thought the green light on my camera meant that it was recording,
and the red light meant that it had stopped recording.

My camcorder’s instruction book didn’t correct this fundamental error.
So, the first time I shot the video, I filmed my set-up,
stopped the camera during my actual “shoot”,
and turned the camera back on after I ended cooking.
I first discovered my error when reviewing the film in I-Movie.
When I realized this, I recalled that my DVR uses a red dot for recordings,
and understood that this is probably basic knowledge for (almost) everyone.

As I write this article on my desktop windows computer,
my new MacBook Air is uploading that video to YouTube.
When that has been successfully done, I plan to put it here on this page.

Video Shoot
- POSTED ON: Mar 09, 2011


I am following through with the plan to
make informative and entertaining Videos for this site
by taking the steps that are necessary to accomplish that.

My new equipment arrived on Friday,
and I spent the weekend familiarizing myself with it.
This process included learning how to use a Mac computer,
and until last Friday afternoon, I’d never touched one.

Previously, my computer experience has all been with Windows.
I also am now learning how to operate a movie-camera…
which I now understand, is an old fashioned term,
and “camcorder” is the operative word.

I’m new to the Mac computer, and I’m also new at video recording.
As I shared previously, I seldom even remember to take photos on vacation,
and I can barely operate the DVR installed by the cable company.
But I can still learn, and I’m working hard to do so.

Yesterday was my tutorial on making videos.
My son spent the day at my house providing me with
hands-on instructions for each long and complicated step

The cooking video posted below is the result of that process.


So You Want To Lose Weight?
- POSTED ON: Mar 06, 2011


The following video, "So You Want To Lose Weight?"is an amusing depiction of a conversation between a Dietitian and an Client seeking weight-loss advice.

It contains the obvious message, which is intendedwhich is that people don't want to do the work of changing the way the eat and exercise, and expect weight-loss Results without making an Effort to change that Behavior

together with a totally unintended additional message.

This video contains an excellent example of how the Health Care Industry continues to distribute erroneous information about low-carbohydrate eating which is based on "bad Science", and which has now been refuted. 

Which part of the conventional wisdom provided by the Dietitian is incorrect? The statement that the Atkins diet (low-carb eating) causes kidney damage in healthy people has definitely been proven to be wrong. 

How about the rest?  What is true? and What is untrue? I don't really know for sure. 
You'll need to judge that for yourself.

For more information on the low-carb issue, review the discussionof "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes located at
BOOKTALK, and if you feel like making some comments in that discussion, please do so.



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