In Tune with your Body??? - POSTED ON: Nov 20, 2015
.......This can be part of a "peace of mind" solution...... BUT the bodies of people who've spent a lot of time in morbid obesity apparently see "nourishment" as a means to stay at, or return to, the state of morbid obesity.
"Trust Your Body" can be great advice for people who've always been "normal" weight, or merely "overweight", and have bodies that are willing to maintain that status quo.
Do Low-Calorie Sweetners Equal Weight-Gain? - POSTED ON: Nov 17, 2015
Interesting article by Dr. Arya Sharma, M.D. who blogs at "Dr. Sharma's Obesity Notes", and who is a Source that I respect.
Do Low-Calorie Sweeteners Affect Energy Intake Or Promote Weight Gain? by Dr. Ayra Sharma, M.D.
"Yesterday, I posted about the interesting study by Madjd and colleagues suggesting that drinking water may be better for weight loss than drinking diet beverages. But what exactly is the evidence that low-calorie sweeteners (of which there are many) may actually have non-caloric effects on energy intake or body weight? This is the topic of a systematic review by Peter Rogers and other members of the European International Life Sciences Institute published in the International Journal of Obesity. The authors assessed both animal and human studies involving the consumption of low-calorie sweeteners in conjunction with an ad libitum diet. In 62 of 90 animal studies exposure to low-calorie sweeteners did not affect or decreased body weight. Of 28 studies that did report increased body weight, 19 compared compared low-calorie sweeteners with glucose exposure using a specific ‘learning’ paradigm. In humans, 12 prospective cohort studies found inconsistent associations between the use of low-energy sweeteners and body mass index, with overall minimal effects at best. A meta-analysis of short-term randomized controlled trials (involving 129 comparisons) showed reduced total energy intake for low-calorie sweetener versus sugar-sweetened food or beverage consumption before an ad libitum meal (about −94 kcal per day), with no difference versus water (−2 kcal per day). These findings were consistent with energy intake observations in sustained intervention randomized controlled trials (10 comparisons), a meta-analysis of which (with study durations ranging from 4 weeks to 40 months) showed that consumption of low-calorie sweeteners versus sugar led to relatively reduced body weight (nine comparisons), and a similar relative reduction in body weight compared to water (three comparisons). Thus, contrary to what is often stated in popula...
When to Eat - POSTED ON: Nov 10, 2015
Moderation - POSTED ON: Nov 08, 2015
My Fantasy - POSTED ON: Oct 23, 2015
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