A Change
- POSTED ON: Aug 03, 2011


Sharing some excellent advice that was given 
in response to the following question by one
member of a forum that I frequently visit to another member.

 I have been doing so bad with my eating the last month or so.
I haven't been this heavy for about two years now.
Why oh why am I doing this???
I just can't control my eating at all anymore. Tears.....”

"I have been where you're at.
In my case I rode it all the way up to having over 30 pounds to re-lose.
Here are things that I think contributed to my weight gain.
I say "I think" because there may be things I haven't considered or that aren't obvious.

1. I believed websites that told me
how much I "should" be able to eat to maintain my weight.
I wanted to be able to eat that much.
But, I found that I gain--maybe slowly, but I do.

2. I didn't realize that I am sensitive to how much
and what kind of carbohydrate I eat, in that above a certain amount,
I slip into a state where I want to eat even more carbs
and I always feel "hungry."
Once I got my carbohydrate levels under control
(and I don't mean eliminated--
I mean a certain target amount of mostly complex carbs every day!)
I found that I am not as hungry and feel much better.

3. I tried to make what had worked in the past continue to work.
I had a plan, and I had lost weight on it, so it should WORK, right?
Well, I could no longer stay on that plan for the length of time
necessary to lose weight. I would lose 2 pounds in 2 weeks,
then gain 3 in the next week because I couldn't stay on plan.
I tried to use this same plan again, and again, and again, for over a year!
You'd think I'd get the idea!
So, I had to try something different.

4. I was in denial about these things.
I thought it was just a matter of having enough "will power."
So when I couldn't make things work the way I wanted, I felt like a failure.
To put it simply, I had to admit all of those discoveries above.

Maybe this will give some things to think about.
Don't be afraid to try something you might never have thought of doing--within reason…"

One thing I'm doing this week, in my efforts to lose the weight I gained at VidCon,
is to try a different food plan.  I don't think the plan itself is that effective or unusual,
but I'm doing it because it is a change from the way I normally eat
and sometimes I find a change can be helpful. 

 Good luck to me, and to all of you as we go about our day.



Finish each day and be done with it.
- POSTED ON: Aug 01, 2011



VidCon was interesting.

I engaged myself in enjoyable activities,
One of these enjoyable activities was eating more calories than normal,
and now I must deal with the consequences.

Some time soon, I will share a bit more about my YouTube conference experience,
but right now I am exhausted. I still have to unpack and return my rental car,
and today is the 1st of the month, which is the day I do banking and bill paying etc.

My goal for today is to get back into my maintenance eating groove,
and to make a plan as to what I will do during the next few weeks
in order to take off my vacation weight-gain.


Work, Love, Dance
- POSTED ON: Jul 31, 2011



On Sunday, 7/31/11, I'll be driving home from VidCon.
It has been an interesting time, and I can't help but compare
the experience to conferences I've attended in my past.

During my first marriage, I attended a great many church conferences.
During my legal career, I attended a great many State Bar conferences.
This weekend I attended a YouTube conference.

Organizationally, all three conference types have a great deal in common.
The social structure of each type of conference has many similarities,

There is a hierarchy of people. ..the organizers...the volunteer helpers...
the workers...aka industry..those who have made it big,
and those who have a respectable following;
those who want to make a lot of money, those who have fame, those that seek fame,
those that just want to be around fame, and those who just want to have a good time.

This YouTube conference was different than any conference I've previously attended,
in that it was packed with young, energetic people who were wide open to life,
to positive experiences, and to friendship with others.
I enjoyed being around them, and was grateful for their kind attention to me.

My son, the web-genius, had many positive experiences
as he connected with his YouTube friends and acquaintances,
the brief time that we spent together has been pleasant,
and I feel very grateful to my Higher Power for this.



- POSTED ON: Jul 26, 2011



Courage is a critical resource that we all need.

To clarify an important point:
People often believe that being brave means that you are not afraid,
but the reality is actually the opposite.
Bravery is acting in spite of fear -- not without it.

Taking the next indicated step is the basis for any courageous action.
It’s just about the next step, because the ones after that one,
can be dealt with in their own time.

We all have courage,
but it’s easy for fear to overwhelm our courageous actions.
By focusing on our own personal goals,
and advancing one step at a time,
we can move on to greater levels in life,
and face challenges we might once have thought impossible.


Dealing with Setbacks
- POSTED ON: Jul 25, 2011

Everyone makes mistakes,
hits a bump in the road,
has setbacks, or problems.

 What sets people apart
is how they react to the bump.

Some people spin out of control, in despair.
Others grab the wheel and steer themselves straight.

Whether it’s a vacation or a family crisis,
we all encounter things that slow us down.
It’s important to keep in mind that a setback
is only temporary and greater things lay ahead.

It is easy just to quit,.
but I believe in the "two steps forward, one step back" philosophy.
So what if something bad happens?
I work to keep moving forward, developing what I have.
I’ve already built a solid foundation on which to rely.
Hard work can’t be overlooked.

 When something doesn’t turn out as we’ve expected,
it is important to be objective.
Step back and look at the situation.
Take responsibility where it is due,
but don’t place blame on others.

Is the setback really that significant,
or will it just require a little extra exertion?
Come to terms with it and then start planning your next move.

It’s okay to ask for help.
Don’t be afraid or ashamed to do this.
Most times, people are willing to give you support and advice,
maybe even after being in a similar situation.
None of us is perfect.

 Bounce back.
Reevaluate the goals you’ve set for yourself
and rework them as necessary.
Goals should be realistic and specific, but also flexible.

View things as a success, instead of a failure.
Instead of focusing on the mistake,
take a moment to sit back
and think about the things that have been accomplished.

Let’s not focus on regret.
Success is never easy.
It remains up to each of us, whether we will give up,
or fight through the tough battles to earn what we want.

There’s a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson that goes:

"Finish each day
And be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and
Absurdities have crept in.
Forget them as soon as you can."



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