Setting Priorities... - POSTED ON: Dec 31, 2015
Happy New Year
See Video Below
Goals - POSTED ON: Dec 29, 2015
Change of Plans - POSTED ON: Dec 23, 2015
Every Struggle - POSTED ON: Dec 12, 2015
Bingo !!! - POSTED ON: Dec 10, 2015
I love the graphic above, and the accompanying article posted below:
It’s a Lifestyle Change Alright by Ragen Chastain, danceswithfat Harriet Brown wrote a fabulous piece for Slate called “The Weight of the Evidence: It’s time to stop telling fat people to be thin.” It is making the rounds on social media again, and I shared it on my Facebook wall. Immediately (and completely predictably) someone jumped in and attempted to win Diet Bingo all in one comment: She kept going back to the idea that weight loss doesn’t work if you go on a diet – it only works if you make a lifestyle change.
This is a line created by the diet industry to blame their clients when almost every single one of them fail at weight loss. It doesn’t matter whether you call it a diet, a lifestyle change, or a flummadiddle, the evidence still says that by far and away the most likely outcome is weight regain, with a net gain coming in a close second and long term weight loss a very, very distant third. The diet industry manages to grow every year (now making over $60 Billion a year) despite the fact that their product is so terrible and ineffective that they are required to have a disclaimer that it doesn’t work every time they advertise it. I think that one of the main reasons for this is that they know that most people will lose weight short term and gain it back long term. They’ve managed to take credit for the first part of this process, and blame their clients for the second part. Even though it happens to nearly every client they still manage to say, with a straight face, that it’s just that nobody does it right. Dude.
Even those outlying anomalies who do manage to achieve sustained weight loss often do it by making maintaining weight loss into a full time job.
From Harriet’s piece:
Debra Sapp-Yarwood, a fiftysomething from Kansas City, Missouri, who’s studying to be a hospital chaplain, is one of the three percenters, the select few who have lost a chunk of weight and k...
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
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