Off-Line Data Storage - POSTED ON: May 30, 2011
One of the things I like best about DietPower is that it is a stand alone software program, and I don't have to be online to use it.
If, in the future, it changed to an online program, as much as I love it, I doubt if I would purchase the online program., For certain, I would still choose to use the current off-line DietPower which I can load from a purchased disk.
DietPower works with Windows, but not with Macintosh. In order to do videos for DietHobby, I got a Mac as an additional computer. I installed the parallel program which allows it to run windows programs, and then installed DietPower. At first it LOOKED like this was operational, but after entering new data in the DietPower program inside the Mac, a technical glitch occurs which makes the program non-operational. In the Mac, DietPower seems fine for viewing, but is non-operational, because it doesn’t support actual logging use.
There are similar online food journaling programs. One of these is "fit day", another is "thedailyplate", another is “Lose it”. Some online programs are free and others charge a monthly fee for continued access. DietPower works with any kind of food plan. It has a large data base of its own, and gives me the ability to add any extra foods (using label information) and also input recipes of my choice. Every time I make a homemade food, I add the recipe to my DietPower dictionary, and almost all of my all-time favorites are now inside the program.
It is important to me to have my personal data available off line. There are times when I am unable to get online, but when this happens I still eat, and I want to continue my Habit of logging in my food. I also like the security that storing my own data gives me, and a daily back-up only takes a few seconds of my time.
Online programs are managed by the owners of that website. and my access to my own data there is subject to their whims. At some sites if I want to retain access to my records, I must pay an ongoing fee. Deciding against future use also results in the loss of my past data that I previously entered. If a web-site shuts down, my data is also lost.
A web-site owner can arbitrarily block my IP address from his site at any time for any reason. Recently I experienced this at a weight graphing program called” Physicsdiet” .
I’d been using the program for about a year and a half, and liked it a great deal. In fact I posted it in DietHobby’s Links section, and I was planning to feature the program in an article here. However, two or three months ago a computer glitch occurred, which caused the program to change the...
Being Myself - POSTED ON: May 27, 2011
I tend to ..(not so secretly).. be self-absorbed.
Today is Friday of Memorial Day Weekend. When I hear the term “Memorial Day Weekend”, My first thought is the sight, smell, and taste of food at a backyard BBQ. Next I think of the fact that Summer is beginning, and then about past or future camping trips to the mountains or the beach and other vacations.
Later I think of putting flowers at the grave sites of departed family members, and about the TV war movies my husband is going to have on for three days.
These mental pictures contain both positives and negatives. They can lead me to the pleasant or to the unpleasant. To feelings of Hope and Joy, or of Loss and Sadness.
I can’t keep my mind from touching on unpleasant past or future events, but I do have the ability to consciously change my mental focus by directing my mind toward the more pleasant memories or current events.
Just like with all worthwhile things, learning this skill takes consistent effort, but when my Thoughts change….so do my Feelings…and my Behavior. I find it impossible to directly change my feelings, …and directly changing my behavior…without first changing my thoughts… is equally impossible for me.
So, for me, all positive change in my life begins with me working toward positive thoughts.
My number one positive Thought is this......
Even with all of my flaws, I am an acceptable human being, and it is Okay to be me.
Gratitude - POSTED ON: May 25, 2011
Life’s events and experiences are like the weather. They come and go, …no matter what my preference… so I might as well decide to enjoy them.
There us a time for every purpose under heaven each season brings its own unique blessings Using our power of gratitude can change our lives. We can choose to give Thanks.
The Power Of Choice - POSTED ON: May 23, 2011
Today I had the choice to either stay in bed or get up and go about my daily activities. I chose to get up.
Today I have the choice to either eat small portions of foods that fit into my diet, or eat as much as I like of whatever appeals to me. I am choosing to eat small portions of “healthy” foods.
Today I have the choice to make better choices or not to. I AM CHOOSING....... BETTER CHOICES.
Every day, every hour, every minute, we can use our "Power of Choice". I am choosing to do the things that will cause me to maintain my weight-loss. Yes I sometimes have slip ups, but that happens to the best of us. I’m not going to let that get in the way of good things happening to me,
Have a wonderful day, and CHOOSE WISELY.
Inconveniences - POSTED ON: May 19, 2011
Life sometimes has problems. How I look at those difficulties, and what I tell myself about them, and how I choose to deal with them, makes a great deal of difference in my mood and in the quality of my life.
For the past four weeks I have been recovering from two broken bones that connect my arm to my wrist. Because I am over 60 years old, recovery might be a bit slow. So patience is necessary.
My arm hurts, and I am unable to tolerate pain medication. There are a great many things that are difficult to do with one hand, and many more things that are impossible. Therefore my normal activities are greatly restricted.
For example, yesterday morning I decided I wanted to cook dinner. I chose my easy recipe for Mild Chili Beans which is posted here at DietHobby under RECIPES, Mealtime.
It takes at least twice as much effort to do everything. I got hamburger meat from the freezer, a can of tomatoes, a can of kidney beans, and seasoning mix from the pantry.
When I got out the raw onion, it then occurred to me that I would be unable to peel, slice, and chop it. Then I realized that I also couldn’t open the cans, or access the pot that I use to cook this recipe.
These inconveniences were relatively minor and merely temporary, but they interfered with my immediate plans, and I’m not fond of that. I felt the emotions that are common to us all in such situations. So what to do?
I could give in to those negative emotions …and wallow in them for awhile…, or I could choose to deliberately focus my mind on the positives of my life that still exist in my current situation in a purposeful attempt to give myself a better day. I have learned from my own experience that this choice is what determines the quality of my life.
I began calling to mind all of the things I have to feel grateful for, and all of the things that I can still immediately do. This did make me feel better, and soon a solution presented itself to me. I decided to ask my husband to cut up the onion, to open the cans, and to get out the pan. He did those things for me when he got home from work, and I was able to cook dinner.
This is a small example of a big principle, and I’ve found that it applies to every situation in my life.
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
Jun 01, 2020 DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website. DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.
May 01, 2017 DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly. Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.