Crabby Old Woman
- POSTED ON: Apr 08, 2013

 …by Phyllis McCormack
             (written in 1966 while working as a Nurse)

What do you see nurses,what do you see?
Are you thinking when you are looking at me,

A crabby old woman, not very wise,
Uncertain of habit, with far away eyes.

Who dribbles her food and makes no reply,
When you say in a loud voice,
"I do wish you'd try".



Who seems not to notice the things that you do
And forever is losing a stocking or shoe.
Who, quite unresisting lets you do as you will
With bathing and feeding, the long day to fill?

Is that what you're thinking, is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, you're not looking at me.
I'll tell you who I am, as I sit here so still.

As I move at your bidding, as I eat at your will.
I'm a small child of ten, with a father and mother
brothers and sisters, who love one another.

Release the Stress
- POSTED ON: Apr 02, 2013



Change my LIFE?
- POSTED ON: Mar 28, 2013

I've realized that
I don't want to CHANGE my LIFE.

I LIKE my life.  ....Most of it.....

Maintaining a small body size
is only one small PART of my life.

To manage that part,
I'm willing to eat less.
That's really ALL I need to change.



What To DO?
- POSTED ON: Mar 23, 2013

Activities, especially the ones we find unpleasant or painful, that don’t yield a positive return to us individually, are counter productive. Acts such as reducing sodium, eating “organic”, or “exercising daily” can sometimes actually prevent a person from creating a healthy lifestyle for themselves.

Hate running? Then don’t run. Don’t like giving up pizza? Then figure out a way to fit it into your diet. Don’t like salads? Then don’t eat them.

So what would be a successful strategy for weight loss?
Choose the most painless, most effective way-of-eating possible, for you personally.

It’s foolish to force one’s own fitness or nutritional ideologies on others. Many people treat fitness and nutrition as though these issues are a Religion and try to push their own preferences on to other people.

Perhaps the Paleo diet worked very well for you. That doesn’t mean that it will work for someone who feels horrible on low carbs or loves bread.

Perhaps limiting all eating to three or less mealtimes a day feels “natural” to you. That doesn’t mean eating in that manner will be effective for those who greatly value daily snacks, or for those who have a strong personal preference for eating a larger number of mini-meals daily.

Perhaps it’s easier for you to restrict the amount of your food intake by establishing a pattern of skipping meals or fasting a few days each week. That doesn’t mean that an eating/fasting pattern is workable or desirable for everyone.

If you find a diet that works for you, congratulations! It’s okay to recommend this diet to your friends, but don’t turn it into Nutritional Dogma. Just be thankful that you’ve found a good strategy and move on with your life.

Saying that there is only one way to eat is the same thing as saying that everyone shares a common heritage, comes from the same cultural background, and has the same personal preferences. People are different. We are not all the same.


How I'm Supposed to Feel
- POSTED ON: Mar 14, 2013

Giving NOTICE to the World.
Keep any negative comments, opinions, or questions
you may have about my body to yourself.

I’ll do the same for you.

My body is the house for my mind and spirit, and is the most visible part of me.
I am with it 24/7, and every action I take, whether voluntary or involuntary involves it. My hands open and close. My lips move. My eyes see. My body is me, and it is mine.

When I was 16 I wanted my body to be shapely and thin and to look like Jane Fonda’s body. It didn’t. Now that I’m over 60 and I’m now shapely (for my age) and relatively thin (a normal weight) it still doesn’t, … not even like Jane Fonda’s current over 60 year old body… but my body’s has been good to me. Far better than I’ve been to it.

I like the way my body looks today. There are many reasons why I don’t want to become fat again. Some of them involve my health. Some of them involve my vanity. Some of them involve keeping the negative judgments of others away from me.

A flaw means a mark, a fault, or other imperfection. So saying that my body has “flaws”, would imply that I agree with the arbitrary standard of beauty that gets imposed upon it by others… and I don’t. My own personal standards of beauty have changed over the years and … most of the time, … all of my body’s physical characteristics are acceptable, even dear to me.

My own feelings about my own body are my own personal business, and this is true no matter what size I happen to be. I don’t need anyone else to tell me how to feel. The author of the article below appears to feel differently about her body than I feel about my own, but I share her basic philosophy.

Don’t tell me to love my body
            by Elyse  - March 11, 2013 - www.

I want to talk to you about how you talk to me about how I talk about my body, and how I talk about how I feel about my body, and what’s wrong with everything you have to say about what I have to say.

In short, fuck you.

I don’t love my body. My body is awful. I will never love my body. I never have. And I’m 35 and maybe you think that’s too old to have real hang ups about my body. But I do. And I always will. And maybe you think that because I’ve lost a bunch of weight I should feel great about my body. But I don’t. And I won’t.

And maybe you think that because it’s my body I should love it and that I should think I’m beautiful. That I should somehow ignore all the standards the world imposes on me every single day, standards that make up “beautiful.” That I should make my own standards, and tell myself that I can just create my own reality. That I should pretend that I can never be judged by the standards of others. Maybe if I just love myself enough, other people will be able to climb into my head and begin adopting my standard of beauty and the world will follow and my formula will be the new standard and I will become The Most Beautiful.

Or maybe I shouldn’t. Maybe the fact that I don’t love my body isn’t really an ...

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