Realities of Weight-Loss Maintenance
- POSTED ON: Aug 23, 2012

Here at DietHobby, I share my own experiences and opinions as I work to maintain a very large weight-loss. I am now in the 7th year of maintaining at normal weight after spending much of my lifetime in morbid obesity.  Those who are interested can see more details in the ABOUT ME section under RESOURCES.  Recently I posted detailed records of my average food intake together with a summary of my weights during those periods. See Records: My Past 8 years

One of the things I've personally discovered from my own experience is that weight maintenance is very difficult, and it takes an enormous amount of ongoing, consistent effort.   When I first reached my goal weight, I had some vague idea from things I'd read, that the first 5 years of maintenance were the most difficult, and if and when I could achieve that point, it would become much easier. 

In my own case, I have discovered this not to be true.  Even though the first couple of maintenance years were difficult, the subsequent years became MORE difficult.  Maintenance did not become easier after 5 years, and I can honestly say that here in my 7th year, maintenance is more difficult than it has ever been. 

My detailed records confirm my subjective experience that .... not only do I need to eat fewer calories than the BMR or RMR charts indicate to maintain the same weight, ..... but, when I raise my daily average calorie intake ... even slightly for a brief time, or for a lengthy time period... I gain weight.  However, for the time period of the past 3 to 5 years, I've discovered that decreasing that average calorie intake to the same extent, does not cause a corresponding weight-loss

As an example.... if we use conventional wisdom, and assume that an excess or deficit of 3500 calories = a 1 lb fat detailed daily food-intake and weight records indicate that during the past 3 to 5 years,  if I eat an excess of 3500 calories I will definitely gain 1 lb fat, however, when I eat a deficit of 3500 calories I will NOT lose 1 fat lb.  In actuality, the 3500 calorie calculation appears to no longer be applicable to my body.  Water weight aside, and referring to fat weight only, it appears that it takes far less excess calories for me to gain 1 fat lb, and that it takes a far greater calorie deficit for me to lose 1 fat lb.  During the past 5 years, I've run many personal experiments testing this particular issue (even using different micronutrients), and each time, my results have confirmed this to be true for my own individual body.

Not only is this a frustrating condition, it is one that almost no medical professional addresses.   Probably, this is reasonable, because there is no actual scientific research on f...

Time, Patience, and Consistent Effort
- POSTED ON: Jul 25, 2012

Losing weight needs time, patience, and consistency in eating less food than one's body uses. Maintaining weight-loss also requires time, patience, and consistency in eating ONLY the amount of food that one's body uses. The sad fact is that most people give up before they've even barely begun. There are always lots of people starting and giving up diets, and many more coming up behind them to do the same thing.

We are now so used to the instant gratification that comes in so many areas of our modern life, that a part of us can't help but expect it to also apply to the size of our bodies, so we become disenchanted when the first few days of a diet doesn't bring much by the way of a result on the appearance or size of our bodies. It has been such hard work, why hasn't it made any difference?

Dieting needs Time, Patience, and Consistent Effort, three things that are in short supply nowadays. Regrettably many people are just not inclined to participate in the long run, they want results, and they want them NOW. That's just not going to happen.

We can be successful at losing weight, and at maintaining weight-loss
…but only with Time, Patience, and Consistent Effort.


It has a Price.
- POSTED ON: Jul 14, 2012


I recently read a helpful forum post about maintenance, which quotes a statement
frequently used by me. This post is quoted below:

"Being fat is hard.
Losing weight is hard.
Keeping off weight is hard.
Pick your hard."

If you want to keep off the weight you lost, you can never go back to exactly the way you were before. You have to keep living a changed life.

You have to figure out what you're willing to "pay" to keep off the weight. You're not going to pay in money but you're going to pay in time & in having to consider your choices. You will likely pay in some loss of spontaneity and thoughtlessness. Others will be able to eat unthinkingly and you probably never will.

That is, of course, if you like your life at a lower weight, and you are willing to make the tradeoff to stay there.


The Path to Thinness and Health
- POSTED ON: Jul 05, 2012

Online Diet Websites tend to come across as experts shining a beacon of light upon The Path to an Eternally Thin and Healthy life. However, I see myself as blindly groping about looking for a path… any path… that will lead me away from the magnetic circle that is my natural tendency to overeat into obesity.

My only expertise is my own experience, and the many hundreds of books on various food plans, diets, and exercise that I've read over my lifetime. I don't know the answer for anyone else, and there are days that I feel I'm not even close to an answer for myself.

I believe that a big part of the answer is consistent hard work, endurance, and patience. This is because this is what has brought me success in every successful area of my life, and weight-loss and maintenance of that weight-loss has not been an exception to that rule.

Diet and weight-loss and maintenance of weight-loss is ongoing hard work. I suspect that one of the reasons for the 95% overall failure rate is because people simply do not comprehend the extent of that fact. All of these marketing interests lie to us, telling us that they have the ANSWER, and if we just give them a little money, and a bit of effort for a short time, we will be cured of our overeating tendencies and become naturally thin. We are gullible because we are desperate to believe their claims.

What I have discovered is:

Being fat is hard,
Losing weight is hard,
Maintaining weight loss is hard.
Choose your hard. 


Encouragement & Support
- POSTED ON: May 17, 2012

DietHobby is a place of encouragement and support.
I need encouragement and support as I make my way through Life's path.
This is why DietHobby exists. 

I share many of my thoughts and feelings here, in writing and in videos. 
My daily eating choices, and my behavior with food … is an ongoing part of my life. 
It is a thread that weaves its way throughout my life, 
and I look at dieting as one of my ongoing hobbies
which is simply a part of my total Lifestyle. 

My way of thinking is connected to my way of eating. 
I am the one who chooses what I think about. 
I am the one who decides where to put my focus. 
I am the one who has the power to direct my mind toward the positive. 

DietHobby is a way to help me do that. 
Part of helping myself is to share my thoughts with you. 
Perhaps you will find some of these writings and videos encouraging and supportive to you
as you travel, in your own individual way,
 down the path that Life has put before you. 
The way that I choose to eat, doesn't have to be the way you choose to eat.  
What works for me may be different than what works for you.  

But, perhaps you will find it helpful to take in my information, 
and shift it through your mind, accepting some things, rejecting other things. 
Blending some of the things you read and hear at DietHobby together with your own valuable truths 
might be exactly what you need to move you toward your own individual Life goals.  

DietHobby already has a great deal of content. 
You can find many things here in this website. … and as I live through the days and weeks,
I continue to think,
 so More will be...

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