Hard? - POSTED ON: May 09, 2011
There is some type of technical computer code glitch between Internet Explorer, DietHobby, and YouTube that occasionally keeps a daily blog from working properly with embedded videos.
So, when this occurs while I'm posting an article, I've decided to deal with it by posting that video as a second separate blog, as I did here today.
I call it living in the solution, not the problem.
Naturally Thin - POSTED ON: May 09, 2011
Many people believe that all the obese have to do is go through bariatric surgery and they will magically became "Naturally Thin".
No calorie counting. No food monitoring at all. Just eat what they want because their body can only tolerate a limited amount of food.
More than 18 years ago, BEFORE my weight-loss surgery, I knew that I could NEVER become "naturally thin". Even then, I knew that such a wish was merely a "pipe dream", a totally unrealistic fantasy... on a level with a wish for the ability to sprout wings and fly;
I was aware I would still WANT to eat far more food than my body could tolerate. However, the reason I went through what was, at the time, a very serious Experimental open surgery,
which was quite a costly procedure; which caused Immense pain for several months and long-term discomfort; which required a 2 week stay in a distant city, for both myself and my husband, ........since we were aware of only one surgeon in California performing them at the time; which required 6 weeks off work without pay,....and during that time ........I still had to pay my office overhead expenses including my staff's salaries;
....was due to the belief that I would never again need to closely monitor my food intake, and I would always be able to eat only small amounts of what I wanted because my body could only tolerate amounts that made and kept me slender.
I believed that this One Choice would make all my future eating choices easier, and that it would become a form of automatic, involuntary portion control, requiring little effort or thought from me.
Time proved this to be UNTRUE, It is amazing how frequently and consistently one can inadvertently make oneself sick, via one's eating choices, and no matter how painful the experience, repeat it over and over again. That personal gluttonous characteristic is not changed by surgery.
However, for me the experience was an extremely valuable one, and, as does almost everyone else who has ALSO had a similar surgery, I can honestly ...
Happy Mother's Day - POSTED ON: May 08, 2011
Today is Mother's Day. 46 years ago, on Mother's Day, I gave birth to my first child. This changed my life forever. Motherhood does that for us all.
Each of us goes through Life Events that change us, and that process continues all throughout each of our lives.
So whatever your life is at this moment... ...there will be changes.
Our Attitude about those changes is what will determine how positive or negative any change is.
We can't stop Change, but we CAN learn to develop a positive attitude about it.
Behavior vs Results - POSTED ON: May 05, 2011
Even though the general scientific rule is "3500 calories = 1 fat lb", that doesn't mean this loss (or gain) immediately shows on the scale. Although, with effort, we can control what food goes into our body, we cannot control what our body does with that food... and the timing of how fat is lost is a very large part that we cannot control.
Our bodies are always shifting water about, and the majority of our lean body weight is actually water. Also, our bodies don't always react the same ways, and just because we achieved the same result a few times, doesn't mean the same behavior will always result in the same outcome. I've found my predictions can be accurate IN GENERAL, but frequently are not SPECIFICALLY accurate.
Furthermore, even with careful weighing and measuring of food, carefully reading all labels, along with the careful daily recording of our food, all calorie counting is STILL only an ESTIMATE. We do the best we can. But labels can have a 20% (or more) error, the sugar count of fruits etc. can vary from season to season, and there are often individual differences in the way we measure, and the way the food company measures. For example, I measure 1/4 cup of oatmeal as a level 1/4 cup, but when that is compared to the gram weight on the label, I see that the listed gram weight is the same to an amount that is below the rim of 1/4 cup.
Therefore, we do the best we can to measure and record the calories in what we eat, but we must be aware that this is NOT an exact science, and most of our errors tend to be underestimates.
Regarding graphing data. I have a great deal of personal data about my own calorie intake, and my body weights etc. I enjoy making graphs of that various data, and am always looking for new ways to look at the data, hoping that this will help me to spot something new. But the key words here are "I enjoy". I find it an enjoyable pastime, but it isn't necessary, and it really isn't all that helpful except to keep me focused on the issue.
Although I am responsible for my Behavior with food, I am not responsible...and have no control...over the Results that my body gives me, including the timing of the weights I see on the Scale.
Perseverance - POSTED ON: May 04, 2011
Perseverance = Steadfastness
Steadfastness =
firmly fixed in place; not subject to change; firm in belief, determination or adherence; loyal; faithful
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
Jun 01, 2020 DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website. DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.
May 01, 2017 DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly. Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.