It's HARD - POSTED ON: Jun 21, 2014
Freedom of Choice - POSTED ON: Jun 20, 2014
The freedom of thought, conscience and opinion are subject to no real restriction. Each and every person is free to think what he or she likes without fear of outside interference, so long as his or her opinions remain private. Freedom of choice describes a person's opportunity and autonomy to select an action from at least two available options, without being limited or restricted by others. The freedom to make our own choices is a very important issue in our society. Every day, each of us chooses to do the things that we do, unless we are in a situation where we have been stripped of our freedom, and then we must do as those who have control over us command us to do. This would be the case of those in prison or those who are enslaved by force in repressive societies. Even in those circumstances people still have freedom to make certain limited choices. For example, one can choose what kind of attitude and response to have toward one's oppressors.
Individual freedom of choice can sometimes be restricted through social control. Social control refers to the way that society or government regulates individual and group behavior in order to get people to conform and comply with its specific rules. One form of social control is the internalization of norms and values by a process known as socialization. People learn social values through exposure to society's customs, norms, and mores. Marketing and advertising industries have become very influential in establishing social values. Society uses shame, ridicule, sarcasm, criticism, and disapproval to punish individuals for behavior that it considers unacceptable. The other form of social control is through external sanctions enforced by government to regulate society. We live in a culture that tells us that our bodies are not good enough and never will be, but this does not dissolve our individual freedom of choice. No person or entity has the right to intervene in the most basic and private aspects of the adult lives...
Remember ... You Asked. - POSTED ON: Jun 15, 2014
DietHobby is a digital Scrapbook of thoughts, opinions and graphics that interest or appeal to me. One of the nice things about having my own website is that I can post online whatever I like, whenever I wish to do so.
My ARCHIVES of articles and videos are like a handful of hearts that I am happy to share with interested others.
Several months ago, in a forum that I frequent, I came upon a post by an MD who created a specific diet, asking the forum members this question.
"I wonder why everyone in the world isn't on this diet, and why doesn't everyone in this world stay on the diet until they reach a very thin weight? Do you think people just don't want to be thin? Do you think they don't fully understand or agree with the benefits of being thin?"
Here is the reply that I posted:
"Here's what I think . . . . . . and Remember . . . You Asked.
Following through with eating only tiny amounts of food for weeks at a time is emotionally very hard for most people, and especially hard for obese people.
22 years ago I had a RNY, and I've spent lots of time around people who've had similar weight loss surgeries. This taught me that the main reason a Gastric Bypass is so effective in causing weight-loss is not a lack of stomach hunger. It is the fact that for 6 months to a year, even a tiny bit of food cheating causes immediate and severe physical pain, but there's no longer an option to eat-a-much-as-you-want-of-what-you want because you've physically lost that choice. You can't quit.
Like a Gastric Bypass, … when followed correctly … the ______ Diet will reduce stomach size to reduce or eliminate hunger. But although overeating can cause some temporary discomfort, overeating allows hunger to return, and you retain the physical ability to choose to quit.
People, even...
Long-Term Weight-Loss Almost Impossible - POSTED ON: Jun 11, 2014
I am now I'm now in my 9th year of maintaining a "normal" weight after a large weight-loss. Accomplishing this has been incredibly hard, and, even after all these years, this task is not getting any easier for me. See: Running DOWN the UP Escalator.
The Truth about weight-loss and maintaining weight-loss isn't something that we're EVER going to hear from Marketing Interests … (which includes most doctors and nutritionists) … however, Facing it, Understanding it, and Accepting it, can be very helpful.
Below is a recent CBS news article discussing this issue.
Obesity research confirms long-term weight-loss almost impossible. by Kelly Crowe, CBS news 6-4-14
There's a disturbing truth that is emerging from the science of obesity. After years of study, it's becoming apparent that it's nearly impossible to permanently lose weight. As incredible as it sounds, that's what the evidence is showing. For psychologist Traci Mann, who has spent 20 years running an eating lab at the University of Minnesota, the evidence is clear. "It couldn't be easier to see," she says. "Long-term weight loss happens to only the smallest minority of people."
We all think we know someone in that rare group. They become the legends — the friend of a friend, the brother-in-law, the neighbor — the ones who really did it. But if we check back after five or 10 years, there's a good chance they will have put the weight back on. Only about five per cent of people who try to lose weight ultimately succeed, according to the research. Those people are the outliers, but we cling to their stories as proof that losing weight is possible. "Those kinds of stories really keep the myth alive," says University of Alberta professor Tim Caulfield, who researches and writes about health misconceptions. "You have this confirmation bias going on where people point to these very specific examples as if it's proof. But in fact those are really exceptions." Our biology taunts us, by making short-term weight loss fairly easy. But the weight creeps back, usually after about a year, and it keeps coming back until the original weight is regained or worse.
The Insane-Diet Rainbow - POSTED ON: May 23, 2014
I've successfully followed a lot of Insane Diets, and have this TRUTH to share. < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No matter WHAT they say - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Although the "ME" in each of us (through personal effort) can get Thinner, "There's no "Perfect ME" waiting at the end of the insane-diet rainbow." And that's okay, Everyone is Beautiful. It is our choice whether or not to recognize that. Beauty is something that we get to claim and own for ourselves WHENEVER we want to.
The thinner woman inside of me ... or in most of us ... doesn't look like the one in the picture above, and it will never be my own personal "end result". But no matter how many "Rainbows of Wishful Thinking" that any diet guru vomits in my face, the Best I can be is Good Enough.
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
Jun 01, 2020 DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website. DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.
May 01, 2017 DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly. Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.