Would it be Easier to be Thin? - POSTED ON: Jan 06, 2014
We’re at the beginning of another year, and … like most people… I’ve been spending time evaluating myself and my life, thinking about my past and future goals and behaviors.
I’ve been involved in this weight-loss/maintenance struggle for a very long time. Sometimes it is harder to do this than at other times. Maintaining positive eating behaviors is more difficult for me whenever my positive eating behaviors fail to bring me positive weight results in (what I consider to be) a timely manner. This describes my current situation, which … even though I am currently a “normal” size …. makes today one of the hard times.
My lifetime path has involved a continual struggle to get and to keep my body at or near a “normal” size. I was born in the 1940s; was a child in the 1950s; and a young adult in the 1960s and 1970s; middle-aged in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s, and am now old in the 2010s +. At the end of this year my age will reach the seventies.
At every weight, I’ve always been healthy. My motivation for this lifetime struggle has never been “health”, it has always been vanity. It comes from a strong inner drive, established in my childhood, to force my body to fit into the norms of the culture in which I live. Unfortunately, I also have very strong opposing desires/needs that drive me to eat a variety of foods that my body tells me are delicious, in amounts which my body turns into fat.
I find maintaining my body at a “normal” weight to be extremely difficult. Even after 9 years of maintenance, even at the very top edge of a “normal” BMI, or even within the “overweight” area, I remain in a biologically altered state, my still plump body acts as if it were starving and works overtime to regain the pounds I’ve lost. To lose and keep off weight, I, as a “reduced obese” person, must eat far fewer calories and exercise far more than a “normal” person who maintains the same weight naturally.
For many years, my Set Point has been inside morbid obesity. It might have been more normal in childhood, and even in adolescence, but over the years of yo-yo dieting it ratcheted up. All evidence indicates that an increased Set Point is a one-way-street. I am certain that becoming a “normal” weight, and maintaining that weight for the past 9 years has not caused any reduction in my personal highest Set Point. For more information on this issue, see my previous posts in the DietHobby ARCHIVES. Non-Diet Guru's can advise Intuitive Eating all they wish, but all that does is settle a person's body into its highest Set Point. I know from my own experience (plus watching others) that "listening to my body" and eating what I wish to eat when I feel hungry, and stopping when I feel full",... would result in my 5'0" tall body weighing over 250 lbs again. This past year I’ve read quite a lot of books and blogs by people discussing “Fat Acceptance”. This has made me more consciously aware that each of us can choose whether or not we buy into our culture’s standards of beauty, and each of us must decide individually whether working to become a &ldquo...
Normalizing Obesity - POSTED ON: Dec 30, 2013
Here's Something Worth Saying. Generally fat people are shown as a collection of negative stereotypes. Fat people are shown as miserable unless they are succeeding at weight loss. Voices of fat people are promoted only if they have succeeded at weight loss. Voices of fat people who speak out against the idea that the only positive fat identity is a self-loathing dieter are actively silenced.
Any media outlet, television show, movie etc. which shows fat people being successful at anything other than weight loss is immediately criticized for normalizing obesity.
The theory is that fat people will become motivated toward weight-loss if they are never shown in a positive light until, or unless, they get thin. Even though it turns out that most people aren’t motivated by seeing everyone who looks like them portrayed as a tired and worn out stereotype, anyone who sets up a fat role model gets accused of the crime of “promoting obesity“ or “normalizing obesity”. Let's not kid ourselves, this isn't really about Health. So what IS it about? Here's a clue. Maybe if society stopped shaming fat people then fat people might stop pouring money into the diet industry for a solution that almost never works. If that happened, it would lose their sixty billion dollars a year.
I don’t buy the idea that showing fat people in a positive light will make other people want to be fat; I don’t think that a ceaseless stream of shame is doing anything good for fat people; and oppression for profit is not ok. Let’s try a new experiment. Let’s normalize bodies of all sizes. Can you imagine if size was not an issue? Movies with fat leading ladies, magazines filled with people of all sizes, billboards with fat people selling dish soap, a world without fat jokes, a world without articles about how Santa Claus promotes an unhealthy body image. Take a minute to realize that everything fat people accomplish today – starting with finding the courage to step outside their homes in fat bodies - is done in spite of the fact that fat people live under the crushing weight of constant social stigma. Imagine what fat people could do if they didn’t have to live with a ceaseless stream of societal stigma and shame -- like the government waging war on them and even enlisting their friends, families, and employers as soldiers in that "cause".
We don’t have to just imagine. We can just admit that the current plan of making fat people feel like crap about themselves isn't working. We can stop shaming and stigmatizing fat people. Let's normalize obesity, and see what happens!
NOTE: The article above contains paraphrased excerpts from Ragen Chastain @ www. danceswithfat
Fluffy - POSTED ON: Nov 22, 2013
Everyone isn't the Same - POSTED ON: Nov 18, 2013
We aren't all the same. The calorie numbers recommended by the BMR or RMR charts don't apply to every individual body. Bodies of the same age and size don't ALL use the same amount of energy, even when their activity levels are similar. Even when the amount of "Calories-in" is the same, the difference in the amount of "Calories-out" can cause different weight results. Like the author of the article below, I've seen very little acknowledgement, understanding, or acceptance of this very basic truth. I've found that, in general, people are surprisingly resistant to the concept. Why “Put Down the Cheesburger” is BS by noceleryplease www. fiercefreethinkingfatties.com
So there’s this woman I was talking to last week. She and I are pretty much the same height. I am probably 10, maybe 12 pounds heavier than her. We both exercise, I think, very similar amounts… although she does have a job where she is up and about more than my sedentary desk job. So we have these two people who are both maintaining a similar lifestyle. And I happened to be talking about what I would typically eat in a day, and her response was… “That would barely last me through lunch”. Wait… two people of similar build don’t require the same food intake to maintain that similar weight? Hmmmmm…. now this comes as no shock to me, because I know that different people have different metabolisms, and the fact that even though I am heavier than her, I have to eat about a third LESS than her to maintain my weight, well, it’s just one of those things that JUST IS. But it got me to thinking about all those people in the comments that I refuse to read and how they are all always all “Put down the cheeseburger, fatty” and telling people how to live their lives. And it occurs to me, that these people may, in fact, really think that significant, permanent weight loss could be achieved, if only the fat people would stop stuffing their faces… because obviously, the only reason someone would be fat is if they were eating ridiculous amounts of food every day. And why would they think that? I suspect it might have something to do with the fact they they, at whatever weight they are at, are able to maintain that weight with a fairly comfortable intake of food. They are not feeling restricted with their intake. They get to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. And sometimes “indulge” in “bad” foods, etc… So if they can maintain their weight, with what they consider to be a perfectly satisfying amount of food, why couldn’t someone else just eat the same as them? Why, oh, why, would they be DESTROYING our country, just for the sake of being able to stuff their faces with baby flavored donuts? And the answer, of course, is… “Hey, JackAss, how’d you like to live on what it would take someone else to maintain your weight?” Doing a little math here… The Mayo Clinic handy online calorie calculator tells me that at my age, height and activity level, I should eat 2050 calories a day to maintain my weight.
Imagine - POSTED ON: Oct 11, 2013
What if there is no such thing as flawed bodies? What if there are only variations? Different shapes, different sizes, different abilities, but all perfect as they are. What if, instead of reading another article about clothing that hides those “problem areas”, we realized that our bodies don’t have any problem areas? What would be different if, instead of suggesting that we, and other people, aren't beautiful, we realized that the problem is that we've been taught to see flaws instead of to see beauty. What if we looked for beauty in every single person we saw. No more flaws, no more problem areas. What if every time we looked at someone else, every time we looked in the mirror, we chose to find something beautiful.
Imagine making an individual choice to view Life in that way.
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
Jun 01, 2020 DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website. DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.
May 01, 2017 DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly. Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.