Pet Obesity? - POSTED ON: Sep 17, 2011
Pet food is a heavily marketed area. Now we are all supposed to be worried about giving a "healthy lifestyle" to our pets, and making sure they aren't "obese".
Despite the popular sentiment of cat food marketers, and vets who are interested in the length of a pet's life rather than the quality of the that pet's life, Here's where I draw a personal line.
I accept I have to diet my whole life.. ...and call it a "healthy lifestyle", .... but to make my cat do it along with me is just sick. Making my cat diet is NOT part of my Dieting Hobby.
For those who are following my “Ask Grandma” videos click to see my latest one: “I Like My Best Friend's Boyfriend” which is located in DietHobby under RESOURCES, Videos, Ask Grandma.
We Deserve Love - POSTED ON: Sep 14, 2011
We spend so much time waiting to be loved, hoping love will find us, searching, yearning for that special love.
Feeling empty and lost without it. Wanting someone to give us love and fill us up. But, that’s not usually how life works.
Loving ourselves is the only dependable way to create love in each of our own lives. When we expect love from an external source, and someone or something does not fulfill our void and fantasies, then we will feel worse than before.
Each of us is perfect as we are right this minute, even though we often don’t believe it. It is also good to create more self-respect which will help us to love ourselves. Here are some behavior goals to help accomplish that.
Treat others with love and respect.
Be kind to others, even the “undeserving”.
Express yourself in a loving and nonthreatening way.
Let go of past events—you deserve a fresh beginning.
Forgive yourself – don’t punish yourself for your past behavior.
Focus your mind on positive statements. DietHobby has a tool that can help you do this. It is located under RESOURCES, Words of Wisdom Playlist. Click the link, and at the top of the page, click "Play All", which will cause each of the short videos to run back-to-back so you can spend 5 or 10 minutes focused on positive statements.
Write down your experiences and feelings. Allow yourself to feel good feelings and when you remember bad experiences, allow yourself to feel compassion for yourself. Be willing to be present and accept your own pain and regret. We can’t expect others to be validating, and so we need to learn how to validate ourselves.
Work ...
Frustration - POSTED ON: Sep 09, 2011
Sometimes the emotion I feel is “frustration”, and this includes a bit of anger when I’ve been working hard toward my goals but it just isn’t working.
All of us have times when we seem to be stuck, and no matter how hard we try, we don’t seem be be able to get anywhere. Just spinning our wheels in the mud can cause us to feel pure frustration.
Even though it feels like nothing is working, when I look closely, I usually find at least something is going right. This takes me out of the negative mindset of “it’s hopeless” and gets me back to focusing on the positive.
Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in a problem and in trying to solve it that we forget what we were originally trying to accomplish. This is true for me regarding my current seeming inability to lose more weight, after all, my goal is maintenance of my large weight-loss, and I’m doing quite well at that.
We always have options.
When we are really frustrated with a problem, we tend not to want to work on it anymore. It’s hard, it’s frustrating, and we’re not getting anywhere. So we would rather just avoid it. But, like Thomas Edison said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
When we get stuck on focusing on what we don’t want to happen, or afraid of the absolute worst thing that could happen, it’s good to copy those atheletes who imagine themselves competing flawlessly over and over again. We can choose to see ourselves achieving what we want. Visualize it and really feel it to inspire ourselves to keep moving forwards.
Often things aren’t as bad as they look at first. Sometimes they seem much worse just because we’re tired or mentally drained. Taking a break and remembering to keep a sense of humor can help. The time of frustration will pass, and a positive mind is far more open to solutions and answers than a negative one that keeps thinking that it’s “hopeless” and “what’s the use?” A closed mind won’t be able to see the possible solutions when they do come along, so it’s important to stay positive.
With weight problems, just like with all other problems, the solution is to figure out what your options are; decide on a plan; focus; and then take action.
Will my body lose back do...
Our Own Approval - POSTED ON: Sep 08, 2011
I like the following quote:
“What good is any feeling we may have about ourselves, if it only lasts as long as others agree to it? Seeking and receiving approval from others is like sitting down hungry to an imaginary meal. You’re invited to eat all you want, but no matter how much imaginary food is served, you can never get your fill. Your hunger remains. No fictional feast ever satisfies. But we still look to others for our sense of self even though the very moment it’s received, it must be renewed. No one can give us that which can only be found with our Self. No one can give us the approval we seek, because it isn’t his or hers to give. And the more we understand the truth of this higher fact, the less inclined we’ll be to give ourselves away. We must do the needed inner work, which alone leads to owning our own lives.” by Guy Finley at www
“What good is any feeling we may have about ourselves, if it only lasts as long as others agree to it?
Seeking and receiving approval from others is like sitting down hungry to an imaginary meal. You’re invited to eat all you want, but no matter how much imaginary food is served, you can never get your fill. Your hunger remains.
No fictional feast ever satisfies. But we still look to others for our sense of self even though the very moment it’s received, it must be renewed.
No one can give us that which can only be found with our Self. No one can give us the approval we seek, because it isn’t his or hers to give.
And the more we understand the truth of this higher fact, the less inclined we’ll be to give ourselves away. We must do the needed inner work, which alone leads to owning our own lives.”
by Guy Finley at www
Labor Day Weekend - POSTED ON: Sep 03, 2011
I will be off-line during this Holiday weekend. Those of you who would like immediate inspiration can find it here in the Archives, which holds seven months of daily posts. Or you could take this time to review the rest of this site. For those who are following my “Ask Grandma” videos click to see my latest one: “Kpop Music? Still like that old time Rock 'n Roll” which is located in DietHobby under RESOURCES, Videos, Ask Grandma.
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
Jun 01, 2020 DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website. DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.
May 01, 2017 DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly. Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.