What We See
- POSTED ON: Jun 18, 2011

A member of a forum I frequent,
who is also a member here at DietHobby,
recently posted the following excellent suggestion:

"At a very dark time in my life,
I was assigned the task of finding "5 good things"
in each day, no matter how small.
(Originally it was 10, but I felt that was asking more than I could do.)

It was a powerful assignment, because it made me
LOOK for "something good, somewhere."
Many of the things on my lists were miniscule
... but the process made a real difference to me."



Changes Happen Every Day
- POSTED ON: Jun 17, 2011


Changes happen every day,
Sometimes these remove us from our comfort zone,
but changes challenge us,
and can cause us to live our lives more fully.

Even if we simply change our route to work,
or the path we walk the dog,
it can change our state of mind.

Routine is something many of us need and thrive on,
but consistency doesn't mean "the same".

  Like, you consistently think,
but you don't always think in the same place.
You can love a person or pet,
but it's not always in the same way, shape, or form.
And, you can do the same exercises,
but your body changes and adapts to grow with you,
...if you continue to work at them.
Change is the only "constant", and much of it is unavoidable.
Learning to embrace changes leads us to transformation and fulfillment.
Along that line, I've made a few changes related to DietHobby. 
My 30-seconds-or-less inspirational videos are now labeled:
"Words of Wisdom", and my son-the-web-genius convinced me to expand
my DietHobby-YouTube-Channel further into the YouTube World
by starting a weekly "question and answer" series video called:  "Ask Grandma".  

While the subject matter of that YouTube video series will expand to a variety of issues,
my hope is that....eventually,.... adult viewers who are seriously interested
in weight-loss and maintenance of that weight-loss will join us here.

Ordinarily I won't be posting individual "Ask Grandma" videos here in my Blog,
...although you will be able to find them here at DietHobby.com by going to RESOURCES,  videos.
 I am sharing the first one with you here so you can get an idea of what they are like.



Judging Myself
- POSTED ON: Jun 13, 2011



 It's natural to evaluate our activities in life.  But when that capacity for self-evaluation turns harsh and we begin to label ourselves with generalizations such as, "I'm stupid," "I'm a failure," I'm fat and ugly," that's judging yourself, and

"When you judge yourself, you break your own heart."

I work to defuse negative judgments and avoid putting myself in a mental box.

To avoid this mind litter, I say to myself:

"That's not me."

The harsh voice itself isn't really me. That voice is just an echo of past insults,
maybe from a parent, a sibling, etc. that I wound up mentally adopting. Just a bunch of mental toxic refuse
that has nothing to do with the true essence of who I am.

What the voice is saying also isn't accurate. We can't sum up one person, especially ourselves, with a single word or label. People are much more complex than a harsh judgment, or even for those reverse generalizations such as,
"I'm great." "I'm the best." "I'm better than..." Those can give needless pressure to live up to them,
disappointment when we fail to do so, or arrogance when we do.

We can get out of the mental box by refusing to label ourselves, and refusing to adopt labels others try to apply to us. We can just do what we need and want to do with our attention in the present moment. Then, see how it goes, evaluate what we did, and move on.  It will lighten your load. 

But if "That's not me," then who are you?
What is the true essence of a person?

I believe that If my mind is clear and positive, I tap into the power of something vast and awe-inspiring, something far more powerful and capable than I can otherwise consider. My capabilities and sense of well being grow.

But if my mind is full of static and commotion, caused by negative self-talk, I’m out of the frequency of that power, which makes me more likely to experience misery, negative emotions  and a view of myself as small and limited.


Good Friends
- POSTED ON: Jun 12, 2011


Living in the Moment
- POSTED ON: Jun 11, 2011



Human beings have this unique ability
to focus on things that aren't happening right now.

That allows them to reflect on the past and learn from it;
it allows them to anticipate and plan for the future;
and it allows them to imagine things that might never occur.

While we may believe we want to live in the moment....
most of us share the philosophy portayed by the following cartoon.

BUT, of course,
the only time each of us really has is right now.


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