It's Fall
- POSTED ON: Oct 04, 2011


The Fall season has started here in Central California.
The weather is getting cooler,
Days are getting shorter,
and the leaves are beginning to turn and fall from the trees.

Fall brings many changes,
but my commitment to maintain my weight loss isn't one of them.

I continue.

Minute by Minute
Hour by Hour
Day by Day
Week by Week
Month by Month

Some would say,  "It should be easier
after consistently following this behavior
for a 7 year period.

Possibly it should be.
But it's not.
And That's Okay.


Pet Obesity?
- POSTED ON: Sep 17, 2011


Pet food is a heavily marketed area.
Now we are all supposed to be worried
about giving a "healthy lifestyle" to our pets,
and making sure they aren't "obese".

Despite the popular sentiment of cat food marketers,
and vets who are interested in the length of a pet's life
rather than the quality of the that pet's life,
Here's where I draw a personal line.

 I accept I have to diet my whole life..
...and call it a "healthy lifestyle", ....
but to make my cat do it along with me is just sick.
Making my cat diet is NOT part of my Dieting Hobby.

For those who are following my “Ask Grandma” videos
click to see my latest one: “
I Like My Best Friend's Boyfriend
which is located in DietHobby under RESOURCES, Videos, Ask Grandma.


What is Hope?
- POSTED ON: Sep 10, 2011

Each of us knows what it feels like.
Each of us wants to feel it.
But exactly what is it? How do we get it?

Hope is the emotional state
which promotes the belief in a positive outcome
related to events and circumstances in one's life.

It is the feeling that what we want can be had;
or that events will turn out for the best;
or that something desired may happen.

Hope comes into play when things are not going well
or at there’s considerable uncertainty about how things will turn out.

Hope opens us up, removes the blinders of fear and despair
and allows us to see the big picture,
which allows us to become creative and have belief in a better future.

 Hope is cultivated when we have a goal in mind,
determination that a goal can be reached,
and a plan on how to reach those goals.
Hopeful people are like the little engine that could,
because they keep telling themselves "I think I can, I think I can".

Hope is distinct from positive thinking,
which refers to reversing pessimism,
and the term "false hope" refers to a hope
based entirely around a fantasy or an extremely unlikely outcome.

That said...and as unlikely as it might seem...
I usually feel hopeful.

For those who are following my “Ask Grandma” videos
click to see my latest one: “You Are Stronger Than You Think
which is located in DietHobby under RESOURCES, Videos, Ask Grandma.


Labor Day Weekend
- POSTED ON: Sep 03, 2011

I will be off-line during this Holiday weekend.

Those of you who would like immediate inspiration
can find it here in the Archives, which holds
seven months of daily posts.

Or you could take this time
to review the rest of this site.

For those who are following my “Ask Grandma” videos
click to see my latest one: “
Kpop Music? Still like that old time Rock 'n Roll
which is located in DietHobby under RESOURCES, Videos, Ask Grandma.


Forget Your Diet?
- POSTED ON: Sep 02, 2011



It’s Friday, and today is the start of Labor Day Weekend.
It is common for dieters to lose focus
around special events, like holidays and vacations.

Think about what happens to us at Thanksgiving,
Halloween, or Christmas when we tend to “forget”
to pay close attention to our food intake. 

Imagine you are a (good) parent shopping at the mall
with your two pre-school children.
You wouldn’t get so preoccupied that you forgot
that you brought your kids along.
Instead, you’d always know where your children were
and what they were doing.

Most parents have the mental ability to stay alert,
even after the kids are in bed. This built-in awareness,
or focus, helps them know when their children are at risk.

Sometimes we don’t set out to overeat or ignore our diets,
we simply lose our focus – the ability to stay aware
of our eating plan while we enjoy our food together with
conversation and special activities.

We can have fun and still Focus.
We need a way to hold continual awareness
in spite of what’s going on around us.
It’s tough, but it can be done.

Part of staying focused is:

Remember:  Frequently remind ourselves about our food-plan and goals.
Pull Focus back quickly:  When slipping into old patterns, intentionally renew focus.
Stay Alert: Mentally identify our individual emotions in the situation.

  It is important that we don’t “forget”
about our weight-loss or maintenance efforts,
so we need to develop a built-in awareness to help us
stay focused on what it takes to live with the weight we want.


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