Tomorrow and Today
- POSTED ON: Nov 08, 2011

  About loving Today....
I do love "Today" in general,
but this does not necesarily the activities of any one day.

It's my job to focus on the positive in every situation.
For example, ....this day, today, .... I have 2 painters in my master bedroom
repainting the walls and ceiling due to the necessary repairs that I've shared with you before.
My cat, Boodie, and I are holed up, with doors closed and locked, in my living room
to avoid the chaos in the rest of the house.  We will be sleeping here on the couch tonight.

The kitchen is nearby, so always... is at ready access. 

The video I posted today is of one of the stained glass windows I built.
I find it almost impossible to get the correct light in the window and at the same time
geth the correct light needed to shoot me in a video, so I used the greenscreen process
to get us both together. I'm very pleased about that, and will probably do it again.

You may wonder what this all has to do with dieting and weight-loss.
This website, DietHobby, is a lifestyle guide for weight-loss and maintenance,
and managing to eat within one's calorie allowance... or close to it...even in situations
that we may find emotionally uncomfortable, is the biggest part of that Lifestyle.


Bread Substitute - Low-Carb
- POSTED ON: Nov 07, 2011


I've posted another cooking video, Oopsie Rolls
which is located at DietHobby, under RECIPES, Mini-meals.
This is a low-calorie, and low-carb recipe.


Unwecome Truths
- POSTED ON: Nov 06, 2011

Life contains many unwelcome Truths.
Not all Truths are pleasant.
Many of them are quite uncomfortable.
Without going into specifics, when thinking of this issue,
many of these unwelcome Truths come to mind.

However, Accepting a fact as true
doesn't mean that I have to think negatively about it.
That Truth can mean whatever I choose it to mean.
This is what is called....Positive Thinking.

Another way to describe that positive - negative thinking concept
is the half-empty glass vs. the half-full glass perception.
I have the ability to direct my thoughts, and
to train myself to think in a positive way.

Thinking in a negative way brings on uncomfortable emotions,
like sadness, anger, resentment, and hatred.
However, thinking in a negative way brings on comfortable emotions,
like acceptance, peace, serenity, happiness and love.

Positive thinking makes us feel better,
which gives us a happier life,
and better equips us to handle life's difficulties. ..
including the struggle involved in the issues of weight-loss and maintenance.

In order to help train one's mind to think positively,
it is helpful to fill it with positive concepts.
This is the primary purpose of my "Words of Wisdom" videos.
These videos consist of a person dressed attractively,
placed in an attractive background,
quoting positive truths and sayings.

The "Words of Wisdom" videos are meant to be watched again and again,
in order to direct one's mind away from the negative and toward the positive.
You can find a Playlist here at DietHobby, under RESOURCES.

Words of Wisdom Playlist is programmed
to enable you to run these 20 second videos back-to-back automatically,
so that these short videos can play in the background while you complete other tasks.
This can be a positive and helpful tool, if a person does it for 5 or 10 minutes every day.

Each video also has a link in the upper right and left hand corners
labeled "Previous" and "Next" to help with manual navigation thru the video series. 

Even if you are not following my “Ask Grandma” video series
you'll want to watch this video  because it is very relevant to this website.
Click : “
Teddy Bear Tea Party" to see the video,
which is located in DietHobby under RESOURCES, Videos, Ask Grandma


Weight-loss and Maintenance is Hard Work
- POSTED ON: Nov 04, 2011

Weight-loss and Maintenance of that weight-loss is hard work. This is a Truth that needs to be faced in order to achieve long-term success.  Everywhere we turn we see advertising statements about how quick and easy weight-loss is... IF you just buy and use that One Specific Product.

That product could be a food, a supplement, a diet plan, exercise equipment, clothing, a book, a video, or an idea. It could be just about anything that can be sold for money.

Those marketing lies are common, but seldom do we see in bold black-and-white the truth that no matter what product we might use,
weight-loss is slow and hard, and maintenance of that weight-loss is seldom achieved.

There are now quite a few "reality" TV shows concerning weight-loss. These consist primarily of a trim and muscled, naturally thin, person, setting forth difficult physical tasks for very fat people, then berating and encouraging those people in order to "help" them "start to live their lives".

I find this prejudiced-against-fat people statement particularly offensive, because fat people have lives that are just as productive and enjoyable as thin people.The quality of one's life depends on that person's attitudes and thoughts,
not on their physical size, or even their physical condition.

I didn't start "living my life" only when I was a normal weight,
I've lived my life for all my life, whether fat or thin.

Sometimes it seemed good, sometimes it seemed bad, but it is the only Life that I have here on earth (as far as I know), and it's been continuous since I was born.  It didn't only "start" after weight-loss.

The action shown in these television shows mostly involves physical tasks, including exercise.  Because, otherwise, for long periods of time, we would just be looking at people NOT EATING
the amounts or kinds of higher-calorie foods that are currently considered socially acceptable and desirable in our culture.This would be about as entertaining as watching paint dry.

Everywhere you hear people being told to "change their lifestyle". Like THAT is a different process than dieting forever. But, it isn't.

Our lifetime eating habits are culturally and emotionally based, and are extremely difficult to change long-term. To make it even harder, habit and emotion are only part of the equation, because physical elements are also involved. 

The bodies of the "reduced obese" do everything possible to return that person to their previously obese condition. There are quite a few articles already here at DietHobby addressing this issue,and this will continue to be an ongoing topic here.

Accepting the rather unpleasant Truths about weight-loss and maintenance has helped me become successful in that area, and personally,
I don't see how it is possible for an obese person to achieve long-term weight-loss success without coming to terms with those Truths.


- POSTED ON: Nov 03, 2011


This morning my house is awry,
with two workman ripping away and replacing sheetrock
in the walls that were cut open for the plumbing reroute a few weeks ago.
They are working in the garage, the kitchen, both bathrooms and the master bedroom

I have barracaded myself and my cat, Boodie, in my living room
where we will hole up until evening today, and then again all day tomorrow.

Next week, the workmen will return to remove everything from my masterbedroom,
prep it for painting, and then paint, and hopefully, return the large pieces of furniture
to their appropriate places.

Since for one night next week we will have no bed,
my husband plans to sleep on the day bed in his study,
and the Boodie and I will sleep on the couch here in the living room.

I am finding it difficult to accomplish much in this disarry,
so my posts here will be spotty.
However, I have been following my food plan, and maintaining my weight-loss,
instead of using it as an excuse to binge or overeat.

Life happens.
Maintaining a positive dieting lifestyle means we do what we need to do,
no matter what is happening around us.
It is simple.....but NOT easy.


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