Slipping in Maintenance
- POSTED ON: Aug 31, 2011


Avoidance of regaining lost weightis the primary goal of weight-maintenance.

Recently on a forum I frequently visit I read a post by a person who is working to maintain her weight-loss.  She had gained 5 lbs over time, and said:

“I can’t believe I let myself slip”

  I considered that statement and compared it with my own experience.
Over the past three years, my body has added about 5 - 7 lbs to its stabilized weight.

All the while, I’ve been working hard to keep that from happening, and I’m still working to lose that regain and to avoid gaining more.

In my own case, I wouldn’t call it “slipping”.  I didn’t “slip”.  It’s more like my body was being pulled along a surface by an unknown force,
while I was desperately working to cling, grasp, clutch, and hold on to any surface that would stabilize me and keep me from moving.

This process is still going on. Every day I work to keep my body at its “normal” weight, here in my maintenance weight range near the 115 lb area,even though my body thinks “normal” is over 200 lbs, and seems to inch my weight higher despite all my best efforts to keep this from happening.

Based on my past experience, I am well aware that if I chose to stop continually and consistently working to maintain my current weight, it wouldn’t be like missing my step
and falling off a curb to land on a nearby surface.
It would be more like jumping out of a plane without a parachute, my body rapidly hurl...

Experiment of One
- POSTED ON: Aug 30, 2011

Each of us is an Experiment of One, and
what works for one doesn’t always work for another.

 People have different genetics, body composition,
lifestyle, and eating preferences.


Also, the BMR or RMR and Activity Factor percentage numbers re individual calorie burn contained in the “experts” charts are formulas that are based on averages, and are very incorrect for many people.

  Even that generally recommended Low of 1200 calories a day can be more calories than the body of a small, older woman is able to use, and will cause a weight gain for some. My past 7 years of detailed daily food-intake records prove that this is the case for my own mid-60s, 5’0”, 115 lb body.

Approaching weight loss with a "one size fits all" eating routine results in frustration and loss of motivation  when our results don't match those of another.

 The best diet plan will allow us to learn new eating habits and re-shape our lifestyles in a way that will allow us to achieve and maintain our desired weight.

It helps to figure out our desired eating pattern. Some people find it difficult to eat a large breakfast and make that a smaller meal, or skip it entirely. Some skip dinner. Some do well eating three meals, avoiding all snacks, and others find eating small meals and snacks works better for them.  Some people eat only once a day within specific time limits.  Some people vary their eating schedules to include frequent fasts.

Different eating schedules can be an effective tool in weight management, but it is important for each of us to know our own preferences, and figure out what eating plan will work best for us, individually. After a desired eating schedule is determined, we divide our food-intake and calories with that plan in mind.

 Be realistic.
We need to know our diet weaknesses so we can incorporate them into our plans.

Set reasonable goals.
The only program that is guaranteed to help us reach our weight goals is the one we will do consistently. 
There is no magic eating plan, program, or product that is guaranteed to help us lose weight and keep it off. 

Trying to follow a plan or program that has worked for someone else through a one-size-fits-all approach is a path doomed to fail 

- POSTED ON: Aug 29, 2011



With regard to weight management,
simplicity is a virtue.

Research exists indicating that
those who are successful at weight-loss
tend to focus on fewer rules than those
who fail in their weight-loss efforts.

It wouldn’t matter how simple or complicated the rules were,
if there were truly only one right way to eat for weight-management.
You would just have to do it.

But in fact, there are many different kinds of healthy diets.
Vegetarian, Mediterranean, low-calorie, low-fat,
“primitive”, low-carb, and various other diets
have been validated by scientific research.

However, it’s not only the food that matters.
How we perceive the dietary rules we live by
is also important.

So, we need to just choose one and start.
It doesn’t even have to be an official “diet”.
Some of the most successful dieters…meaning those who
have maintained a weight loss of at least 30 pounds for at least one year…
don’t follow a formal diet plan.

Instead they establish a handful of their own rules,
and work to follow them consistently.

Weight management is difficult for most of us, no matter what.
It requires resisting some “fattening” foods we like,
while also resisting the urge to overeat “healthy” foods.
Nothing can be done about these requirements.

However, it isn’t necessary to make weight management any more difficult
than it has to be, by forcing oneself into a complicated diet.
We can choose to keep it simple.

My latest recipe video, Chinese Chicken Salad,
is located here at DietHobby in RECIPES, Mealtime.


- POSTED ON: Aug 28, 2011

What is it exactly?

Normal can mean "average",
and it also has the connotation of "sane".

"Normal" weight is defined as a BMI of between 18.5 and 24.9
which for my own body is between 95 and 127 lbs.

Regarding food and eating,
what is normal for one person
isn't necessarily normal for another.

Information and misinformation,
the media, books, online sources are full of it.

 I recently re-read a 12 page New York Times article 
" Unhappy Meals" written by Michael Pollin in 2007.
that clearly demonstrates the current food and eating dilemna.

He has some good advice, but unfortunately,
I haven't found his proposed solution to be the resolution 
to my own food-intake and weight maintenance problem.

So what is the answer?
I don't know, but I keep looking.



Staying Open to New Information
- POSTED ON: Aug 27, 2011


I work to stay open to new information.
By NEW information, I mean information that is new to me.
Right now I am investigating the website of J. Stanton
and finding it quite interesting.

I also recently ordered from Amazon
a couple of books that I previously overlooked,

"The Gnoll Credo" by J. Stanton, and
"The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living": by Stephen Phinney.

I look forward to reading those books for my entertainment and education.

I am always experimenting with new diets and new food plans for myself,
however, I do not recommend specific diets and/or food plans for others.
We are all different, and my strong opinion is
that each of us needs to find what works for him or her individually.

DietHobby is here to share the Journey,
not to clearly set forth the path.

For those who are following my “Ask Grandma” videos
click to see my latest one: “
How to Get Subscribers on YouTube
which is located in DietHobby under RESOURCES, Videos, Ask Grandma.


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