Dr. Collins shares Dieting and Weight-Loss Information
Dr. Collins makes Brief Positive Statements for Inspiration and Motivation.
Healthy Home Cooking by Dr. Collins for a Low-Calorie Lifestyle.
A place for Grandbabies to visit with their online Grandma.
Ongoing Dilemma - POSTED ON: Jul 06, 2015
Colorful names have been given to many types of dilemmas.
Fighting the Urge - Book Review - POSTED ON: Jul 05, 2015
Fighting the Urges, (2013) by Amy Johnson, Phd. is a 23 page e-book.
NOTE: 7/3/2016 update. At the time this review was written, Dr. Amy Johnson gave online free access to this e-book. Since that time, the e-book link has disappeared, but this review remains valuable because an expanded view of the book's concepts are contained in her new book (2016) which is: The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit by Amy Johnson, PhD (2016). Combining modern neuroscience with spiritual principles, Dr Amy Johnson delivers a new understanding of habits that is practical and simple. She explains why harmful habits aren’t powerful, stable parts of who we are, but merely temporary logjams that cloud our natural state of well-being; and points readers toward the guidance of their innate wisdom. Those with any type of harmful behavioral or mental habit could benefit from reading this book. In "The Little Book of Big Change" Dr. Johnson tells us that the book uses principles from Kathryn Hansen’s book Brain over Binge and Jeffery Schwartz’s book You Are Not Your Brain. These principles are also similar to those found within Gillian Riley's book, Ditching Diets.
In "Fighting the Urges" the author says that the book is designed to help permanently change unwanted habitual behaviors. She offers a way to relate to one's addictions, compulsions, and habits in a way that she believes will literally physically change one's brain.
Dr Amy Johnson gives four steps to rewiring your brain.
Step #1: View your urges as neurological junk. This is also referred to as Re-labeling.
This means you stop believing your urges signal a real physical or emotional need—you see that they are insignificant. You view them as automatic brain messages generated in your Lower Brain that deserve no attention.
Step #2: Separate your highest human brain from your urges. This is also referred to as Reframing.
This means you realize the urges aren't really you; they are simply Lower Brain- based messages. The you that has a personal identity, makes conscious decisions, is smart, and has opinions and preferences and dreams is something altogether different.
Guide to Food Serving Size - POSTED ON: Jul 01, 2015
Knowledge vs Feelings - POSTED ON: Jun 30, 2015
Simple Eating Boundaries - POSTED ON: Jun 29, 2015
My current path is to experiment with various Diets, Ways-of-Eating, Lifestyles, "non-diets" in a random manner ....... ....... whenever it seems to me that one of these might become helpful in my own weight-loss and maintenance.
Previously I shared that in the last few months, I've been investigating the "3 Principles" concept, with a focus as to how that might impact my own ways of eating.
DietHobby's Blog Category - The 3 Principles contains several videos of Julian Frasier, who claims weight-loss success based on his understanding of the 3 Principles. In a recent video I saw him make the following statement about what led to his weight-loss:
"I realized it's all made up. It's Just Thought. I stopped following my urges to go and eat."
I found this statement to be quite meaningful, and have been pondering it for a while now, wondering if, and how, it might apply in my own situation. At this point what seems to be clear to me that every type of eating I engage in involves some type of "urge to eat". So for me to eat ANYTHING always involves a choice of WHICH eating urges to follow or not follow at any given moment. I have learned that my own physical hunger pattern is dependent upon whatever eating pattern that I establish. Eating a lot makes me physically hungry for a lot of food. Consistently eating very little makes me physically hungry for very little food. However, my own extensive study and experimentation with "Intuitive Eating" has shown me that - for me personally - the "hunger and fullness" concept is far too vague to be useful. For past writings on the Intuitive Eating concept, check out DietHobby's ARCHIVES.
For the past ten+ years I've counted and recorded the calories in the foods that I eat daily, - even when I was experimenting with Intuitive Eating plans - and this counting-recording process has become a sustainable habit for me. However, it seems clear to me that for right now, In order for me to continue with my current 3 Principles...
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
Jun 01, 2020 DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website. DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.
May 01, 2017 DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly. Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.