Dr. Collins shares Dieting and Weight-Loss Information
Dr. Collins makes Brief Positive Statements for Inspiration and Motivation.
Healthy Home Cooking by Dr. Collins for a Low-Calorie Lifestyle.
A place for Grandbabies to visit with their online Grandma.
One of Life's Great Lessons - POSTED ON: Aug 18, 2012
Watch the video below to be reminded of one of life's great lessons.
Eat Less Move More? - POSTED ON: Aug 17, 2012
You've heard it a million times, Eat Less, Move More.
You’ve may have also heard that that ELMM = Eat Less Move More is a failed strategy for weight loss. The rationale is something like one, or more, of the following:
• A calorie is not a calorie, because two people who eat the same amount won't weigh the same, or gain or lose the same amount of weight. • The 3500 cal/pound fat figure is wrong because with deliberate overfeeding or caloric restriction, people don't gain or lose exactly as this formula would predict. • If you eat less your metabolism will just slow down to compensate. • If you move more deliberately, aka exercise, you'll just move less later in the day and/or be so hungry you'll compensate by eating more.
A study of body composition of small children as related to total body fat and physical activity level published in 2012 indicates that non-exercise activity thermogenesis is genetically hardwired. This means that naturally more active babies put on less body fat than the naturally less active ones because they naturally expend more energy.
There are many studies which show that there’s a wide variation between the resting energy expenditures of different individuals. A study of Thermogenesis after cold and overfeeding published in 2007 indicates that thermogenic responses are genetically hardwired.
Although it appears possible that both non-exercise exercise activity and thermogenesis is genetically hardwired, there are many gurus and diet book authors who say that eating this or that macronutrient, taking this or that supplement, exercising or not exercising this or that way, or adopting their particular food and/or exercise plan holds the magic answer.
Maybe I’m a pessimist, but I don’t believe there’s a whole lot that we can do about our genetic hardwiring. Personally I prefer to manage calories-out in a manner I know there is some control over, rather than chase after false promises of boosting metabolism through various other, largely untested/unsubstantiated, and often expensive, means.
I'm not aware of any clinical evidence that supports the notion that a person can't lose weight eating less total calories of whatever. *How* a person prefers to eat less is individual. Different diets or food plans seem to really be merely variations of the same general theme. The amount an individual need to eat or the amount they need to exercise to accomplish weight-loss is different from person-to-person.
Calories-in is just a shorthand way to describe the amount of food we put into the body. Calories-out is just a shorthand way to describe the amount of energy the body uses. Calories-in/Calories-out is merely a shorthand way to generally describe how energy in the body works. That's it. That's all it means. However, what’s true is that those calories numbers are often different for different people …even for those people who have the same height, weight, age, a...
Status Update - Records: My past 8 years (August 2012) - POSTED ON: Aug 14, 2012
Below are Eight charts showing Yearly Averages of my own Daily Food Intake. Beginning 9/20/2004 through 8/8/2012 ... an 8 year period (approx 7 years 11 months) 2880 consecutive days of detailed record keeping. Despite low-calorie eating, one can see that my nutritional needs were adequately met during the entire 8 years. I find it personally interesting that although I experimented with a great many different "diets" and eating plans, my nutritional yearly nutritional ratio averages wound up overall being quite similar. One CAN see slight differences in nutritional ratio due to various experimentation with various low-carb eating plans during the past 3 years in that the fat ratio increased slightly; the carb ratio decreased slightly, while the protein ratio remained fairly constant.
FOLLOW UP NOTE: Be sure to read the Final SUMMARY showing average weight and average calorie comparisons. 1st chart Below started on 9/20/2004 - therefore the yearly average is 42 days less than 1 year.
SUMMARY 9-2004 through 8-2012 8 year period (approx 7 years 11 months) 2880 consecutive days of record keeping
Date Weight 9/2004: --- 190.5 lbs. 8/2005: ----145.2 lbs. Loss 45.3 lbs. - 1235 average daily calorie intake 11 month pe...
Journaling & Keeping Records - POSTED ON: Aug 13, 2012
I consistently record my food intake and weight data in various computer programs. I have now been doing this consistently every day for almost eight years. ..…. as of the time of this writing, for the past 7 years and 11 months.
The Computer and software program in which I record my food is a useful TOOL. There are many such food journaling programs, but my own personal choice (at this time) is a program called DietPower. (Update 2018: My Recommended Food Journal for beginners is now "My Fitness Pal". My behavior of RECORDING my food intake every day forces me to stay aware of my actions, and it keeps me out of Denial. I know what I'm doing, and what I've done, and I continually face my own actions head-on.
Sitting at the computer and entering the daily data has become a Habit which …most of the time….is an enjoyable one. It is sometimes emotionally difficult to actually write down Everything I've eaten, but in a way it's similar to a Catholic going to Confession. My frequent input of my total food information often brings a sense of relief and sometimes even personal Absolution, a feeling of pardon or forgiveness.
I am Accountable for my eating BEHAVIOR every day, no matter what it is. My weights are the RESULTS of my eating Behaviors, and those RESULTS are actually outside my personal control. I am responsible for the food that I put into my mouth (my behavior). I am not responsible for what the scale says (my results) because I cannot control what my body chooses to do with that food. Therefore, I am responsible for my Behavior, but not for my Results. The scale is merely a TOOL that reflects the total weight of one's total body, including fat, water, bones, fecal material etc. It shows the RESULTS of my eating BEHAVIOR.
The scale is without personality. It is not a Judge and Jury of my actions, but is merely a reflection of them. Ones individual weight on one single day might not be very accurate, but graphing many days of those individual weights gives an extremely accurate picture of the RESULTS of one's eating BEHAVIORS.
I'm not a Guru - POSTED ON: Aug 11, 2012
I'm not a Guru... a teacher or a guide, and DietHobby is not a place to find every dieting answer. What I am is a living human being who shares my own thoughts, my experiences, and my opinions here while I pursue my own personal hobby of dieting as a lifestyle. I recently read:
"Getting Information from the Internet is like taking a drink from a Fire Hydrant."
I find that so very true. There's a lot of information available here on the internet. Something for everyone. There are hundreds, even thousands, of diet plans ... of "ways of eating" .. including those claiming not be be "diet" plans, such as those which use intuitive eating principles...but all of which deal with the specifics of eating .. how, or when, or what to eat... often including various items and/or amounts to eat and to not eat, or when to eat or not eat. All of them work for someone, but that someone isn't necessarily me. Maybe that someone is you, and maybe not. Many of them interest me, and I can enjoy learning about them.
A great many people seem to believe that an "Ultimate Answer" exists. I'm not one of them. My personal position is that a continual search is okay. The process doesn't have to be an unpleasant one. I've been fat and I didn't like it. I didn't like having a fat body, and I don't want to be fat again. I've worked very hard to get my body to a normal size, and I'm willing to continue working hard to keep it there.
In a perfect world, I could eat all I wanted, of anything I wanted, whenever I wanted and while doing that, my body would stay within a normal BMI range ...rather than spiral into morbid obesity.
It's not a perfect world, but I've learned that Dieting can become an enjoyable hobby. It merely depends on the perspective one chooses. We can learn to enjoy the process, the dieting lifestyle journey, and we don't necessarily have to find an "Ultimate Answer". This has a lot to do with the issue of "Acceptance". Acceptance of the reality of life the way it is, rather than the way we wish it were.
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
Jun 01, 2020 DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website. DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.
May 01, 2017 DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly. Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.