Dr. Collins shares Dieting and Weight-Loss Information
Dr. Collins makes Brief Positive Statements for Inspiration and Motivation.
Healthy Home Cooking by Dr. Collins for a Low-Calorie Lifestyle.
A place for Grandbabies to visit with their online Grandma.
Words Are Labels For Concepts - POSTED ON: Apr 23, 2011
If you expect to fail, you will. The word “Failure” is simply a concept meaning the Opposite of SUCCESS. Words are the way we label concepts, and are often very powerful.
No matter what term you use to label Failures, it doesn't change what they are. Failure is a label for a Concept meaning the Opposite of SUCCESS.
Many Dieters don’t like the word “failure”, and look for different labels. Some choose to call failures "exceptions" or "indulgences" or “cheat days”
The word “failure” is frequently used in the concept of Diets to describe a “deviation” from the rules of that particular eating plan. However, one might be better served to devise rules that include an occasional “deviation”, which would exclude that “deviation” from being a “failure”.
Lets look at the definitions of some of these words.
Failure: to be unsuccessful. Deviation: a noticeable departure from a rule. Exception: a case in which a rule does not apply. Indulge: to give free rein to, to yield to the desire of. Cheat: to violate rules dishonestly.
Failure is the only above-listed word that conveys the meaning of: "to be unsuccessful". Deviation simply indicates "a departure from a rule".
However, the words “Exception”, Indulge” and “Cheat” are not effective "replacement" labels for the word "Failure" or for the word "Deviation".
The word Cheat means to get something by dishonesty or deception. Cheat suggests using trickery that escapes observation. I find the word “cheat” an especially inappropriate label to use while dieting because it indicates an attempt to circumvent both the need for personal ACCOUNTABILITY as well as the need to avoid DENIAL.
In a Diet exactly WHO is one “cheating”? Of course, the actual answer is that one is “cheating” oneself, and to trick or deceive oneself is to deliberately put oneself in Denial, which is a mental method to avoid accepting responsibility for personal behavior.
The terms, "Exceptions" and "Indulgences" and “Cheat” by definition actually give permission to noticeably depart from the rules. Giving oneself the ability to excuse oneself from following specific rules at-will, renders an entire Plan ineffective.
Regarding labels, there’s an old saying that one should "call a spade a spade". It’s probably important do that. A rule th...
Goal Setting - POSTED ON: Apr 22, 2011
This picture is my most recent recipe posted: Tofu Chocolate Brownies. I enjoy doing recipe videos, but DietHobby is not a cooking blog or channel. The Recipe section of DietHobby is simply to share with you the amounts and types of foods I normally eat, and the ways that I prepare and handle those foods.
In order to quickly share many of the recipes that I commonly use, I've made and posted a great many cooking videos here within a very short time period, I feel that I have now established a good base of personal Recipes here at DietHobby, so I will soon begin posting cooking videos less frequently, My ultimate practice will probably be to post a new cooking video once a week or so.
I’ve found that goal setting helps me focus on the areas in my life that are meaningful to me. rather than be guided by what other people want me to be, to do, or to accomplish.
First I need to clearly identify what I want. “What is my Goal?”
The next question is “What kind of BEHAVIOR is needed to take me there?”
The very last, and most Unimportant issue, is the question of timing. Timing is essentially: ”When will that behavior bring me the desired RESULTS?” or "When will I reach my Goal?" and timing is an issue that is outside my direct control.
I’ve spent a great deal of time in my life thinking about my various weight goals and my food-intake and my exercise goals.
Today, I’ve been thinking about my goals for this website, DietHobby. I’m really glad to have discovered making videos. It is such a convenient way to share the way I do things with people who might be interested. This whole website has become a very interesting project for me. It is a great deal of work, but I’m having a really good time with it. I've just started making some very brief videos entitled "Moments of Thinspiration", which I plan to post frequently. These are located under RESOURCES in the Video Section. Every video I make is designed to be part of DietHobby; to reflect my basic philosophy and vision; and to provide encouragement and support. While I understand the values and motivations of “marketing” and “social networking”, I don’t really enjoy making efforts <...
Sugar Binges - POSTED ON: Apr 21, 2011
I recently heard someone say:
"I plan on making the most out of tomorrow’s holiday. Even if that means I'll be shoveling plain sugar into my mouth and eating until I vomit."
The above-quote is a good description of binge behavior. Some people are only joking when they say that they are going to eat sugar until they vomit or feel like it. This may only mean they will actually have a few pieces of candy and/or cookies which will seem like a lot to them.
But, some literally do Binge on a regular basis, and this means they actually do eat a large amount, such as one or more family size bags of candy/and or cookies and these people...despite a great deal and time and effort.... are not able to overcome this "addiction-like behavior".
People are mentally and physically different. One-size-does-not-fit-all.
I think there can be no doubt that Taubes, author of Why We Get Fat is correct when he says that sugar is a special kind of food, because it seems to "hijack" the brain. Sugar seems to be an issue with almost everyone, however the definition of "bingeing" seems to differ between individuals. For some, "bingeing" means "giving in" to a piece or two of cake and for others it means eating the entire cake." Most people equate "bingeing" with "Emotional Eating", but perhaps Taubes is correct when he says that this isn't merely a mental or behavioral issue.
Maybe there's actually a large physiological issue ... maybe our respective bodies are different in more ways than size.
Some of us seem to be more sensitive to carbohydrates than others. There are some people for whom even "healthy" complex carbohydrates ... such as baked potatoes and whole kernal corn... can trigger binge behavior.
Over The Long Haul - POSTED ON: Apr 20, 2011
Recipes When Tracking Food - POSTED ON: Apr 19, 2011
Here’s a question I received about Calorie Counting.
"One thing I always wonder about calorie counting: how do you account for cooked foods or whole meals? For example, an apple is easy: it's so & so calories. However if... (like we did today for dinner)... your meal consists of a) potato salad b) cucumber salad and c) cheese pie How would you go about counting all that? Would you have to input all recipes & divide by helpings to know what you've eaten?"
And Here’s my Answer to that Question.
DietPower, the software food journal I use, has a simple function that allows me to input label info from new foods into its food dictionary. It also has a simple function that allows me to input new recipes, using foods that are in its food dictionary.
I would use the search function in its food dictionary, and find potato salad, then input how much I ate (1/2 cup?) Same thing with cucmber salad and cheese pie. Each of the 3 specialized foods could be as easy for me to input as an apple.
During the past six and a half years, the DietPower program has been extremely helpful to me. After I've input a food or a recipe once, it becomes part of the program and is forever in my software dictionary.
As part of the process of entering a recipe the first time, I have to determine how many servings are in it. The program then immediately responds with correct nutritional values, including calories.
When I first started using the program, I'd put in one of my favorite recipes and divide it so that one serving was the amount I usually ate. SURPRISE... sometimes I found my chosen serving was TWO or THREE times more than the calories I thought I was eating.... so then... (during the initial input process)... I adjusted the recipe to a more reasonable number of servings such as 12 servings, not 6 servings. This taught me how much I should be eating, and served as a Forever reminder as to just what size my serving of that particular food should be.
When I log my food for each day, I just use DietPower's search function Up comes my food or recipe,
I put the amount I ate...1 serving, or 1/2 serving or whatever, and instantly I have all the nutritional values of what I ate... or what I PLAN to eat... because sometimes, when I see the total calories in advance, I alter my plan.
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
Jun 01, 2020 DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website. DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.
May 01, 2017 DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly. Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.